
Elon Musk reveals details about his new baby with Neuralink head Shivon Zilis – his 12th child – after being accused of keeping the birth a secret

Elon Musk revealed that he recently had a third baby with Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis, 38, who is part of his brain implant company.

Musk, 52, was accused of keeping the birth of the child – his 12th in total – a secret after news of the birth was made public by the media.

The billionaire businessman says there was never any question of keeping the affair a secret, but issuing a press release would also have been “bizarre”, even if the baby’s name and sex were not revealed. not been revealed.

“As for ‘begotten in secret,’ that is also false. All of our friends and family know this. Not issuing a press release, which would be weird, doesn’t mean “secret,” Musk told Page Six about the birth.

The baby, who was reportedly born earlier this year, was first mentioned in a Bloomberg report titled “Elon Wants You to Have More Babies.”

Musk and Zilis quietly welcomed baby number three in early 2024

The baby would have been born earlier this year

The baby would have been born earlier this year

Musk said he never intended to keep the birth of his 12th child a secret, but sending out a press release would also have been

Musk said he never intended to keep the birth of his 12th child a secret, but sending out a press release would also have been “weird.” Pictured is Musk welcoming his son X in 2020

The article addresses concerns previously shared by X and Tesla owners regarding declining population rates.

“The collapse of the birth rate is by far the greatest danger facing civilization,” he tweeted in the past.

Musk is a fanatic when it comes to possible “demographic collapse,” which he says poses a greater risk to the world than global warming.

This became clear in a recent exchange on X between Musk and Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders, in which the Dutch politician warned of a collapse of Western values ​​in his country due to the open borders, a position shared by other European populists. .

“Okay,” Musk replied. “But if the birth rate remains as low as it is (1.6), your Dutch nation will die out with its own hands.”

“Many countries are already well below the replacement rate, and the trend indicates that almost all will be. This is simply a fact, not a “debunked theory,” Musk previously said.

Musk is also the father of twins Strider and Azure whom he shares with Zilis

Musk is also the father of twins Strider and Azure whom he shares with Zilis

Musk said he wants to be there for his children and sometimes takes them to work

Musk said he wants to be there for his children and sometimes takes them to work

“2.1 children is the replacement rate, and it is clear that globally we will soon fall below that threshold,” Musk said.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson in 2023, Musk shared similar views.

“Once you have birth control, abortions and so on, you can still satisfy the limbic instinct but not procreate.” Will civilization end with a bang or a whimper? Well, we’re currently trying to end with a moan in the adult diapers, which is depressing as hell,” he said.

The US Census Bureau disagrees with these opinions, noting that the the world population is not declining.

100 years ago, there were 2 billion people alive, and that number surpassed 8 billion last year.

United Nations data predicts that figure will continue to rise until it reaches 10 billion by 2100 – and although there is unlikely to be a collapse.

Four-year-old X often joins his father at public events

Four-year-old X often joins his father at public events

Zilis works as Director of Special Projects of Neuralink Corp.  Neuralink is Musk's brain implant company

Zilis works as Director of Special Projects of Neuralink Corp. Neuralink is Musk’s brain implant company

Musk and Zilis, who works as Neuralink Corp.’s director of special projects, already share two-and-a-half-year-old twins, Strider and Azure, born in November 2021. The couple has featured in several of Zilis’ films. posts on social networks.

Besides his three children with Zilis, he also shares three with musician Grimes.

Grimes is currently engaged in a legal battle with Musk and is suing him over his parental rights to their three children.

Nonetheless, Musk has been seen with his four-year-old son, X (born X Æ A-12), at various events, including the Super Bowl in Las Vegas.

Musk also shares twins Griffin and Vivian, as well as triplets Kai, Saxon and Damian with his ex-wife, Justine Wilson.

Their oldest child, Nevada, tragically died at just 10 weeks old from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

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