
Eliminating These 3 Foods From Your Diet Can Be a Game-Changer for Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United StatesPeople from most racial and ethnic groups in the country are more likely to die from heart disease than from any other cause.

These statistics are surprising, and if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed when looking for what you can do to improve your heart health, you’re not alone. The good news? You don’t need to exercise three hours a day and Eat a diet that consists entirely of fish and plant-based foods to keep your heart healthy. A few simple changes can go a long way.

One of the simplest steps you can take is to eliminate (or strictly limit) certain foods that are particularly bad for your heart. Here, cardiologists and a nutritionist discuss three foods you should consider cutting out of your diet ASAP, and what you should eat instead.


Sorry, bacon lovers, but every expert we consulted agrees: If you want to take care of your heart, you should save bacon for special occasions or eliminate it from your diet altogether.

“The way bacon is made can have adverse effects on heart health,” he said. Michelle Routhenstein, a dietician-nutritionist in preventive cardiology.

“The process of curing bacon with sodium nitrite and its high sodium content can increase blood pressure, while compounds formed during cooking, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines (HCAs), contribute to inflammation and blood vessel damage, collectively increasing the risk of heart disease.”

Although bacon is the biggest culprit, Dr. Saman Setareh-Shenas, a cardiologist at Cedars-Sinai, said anyone eating with heart health in mind should be wary of processed meats in general, as well as red meats. (Although often considered white meat by culinary standards, pork is classified by the Cleveland Clinic, Diabetes UK and others as red meat.)

“People who eat a lot of red meat, especially those who eat highly processed meats, are associated with a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease and mortality, as well as obesity,” Setareh-Shenas said. “The ingredients used to prepare these foods include sodium and nitrites. Bacon is particularly high in salt, saturated fat, cholesterol, heme iron, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines.”

White bread

White bread —think Wonder Bread products or similar white breads you might find in a bag at the grocery store— This can be very bad for your heart, according to Routhenstein.

“White bread, with its high glycemic index and lack of nutrients and fiber compared to whole-grain options, can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar, insulin resistance and weight gain, all of which increase the risk of heart disease and related complications,” she said.

Dr. Daniel Luger, a preventive cardiologist in RUniversity of Chicago Medical Center, echoed this.

“All refined carbohydrates raise blood glucose and triglyceride levels,” he said. “White bread is stripped of all its fiber and healthy nutrients. All that’s left is pure sugar.”

If you’re wondering whether the prepared baguettes in the bakery aisle of your grocery store are healthier than a bag of Wonder Bread, you can rely on the ingredient label. Luger suggests looking for “100% whole grain” on the package and reading the ingredient list carefully.

“When you look at the ingredient list, you want to see the first ingredient listed as whole (whole wheat, whole grains, etc.),” he said. “Ideally, when you look at the ingredient list, you want to see just a handful of ingredients and be able to recognize what those ingredients are.”

French fries

Particularly devastating news: French fries are not doing your heart any good.

“When foods are fried, their nutritional content changes: they lose water and absorb fat,” says Setareh-Shenas. “Especially in the case of French fries, the oil is often reused, which leads to a loss of unsaturated fats and an increase in trans fats.”. FFrench fries are also loaded with salt, and high sodium intake has been linked to high blood pressure and increased heart disease.

Regular consumption of fried foods in general, he added, has been linked to increased coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity.

What should you eat instead?

You know what you shouldn’t eat. But what foods can improve heart health?

“I highly recommend eating more legumes like lentils, chickpeas, and beans,” Luger said. “Legumes are high in healthy fiber and help promote satiety, regulate bowel movements, and feed healthy gut bacteria. Plus, legumes can easily be made in large batches and are great for weeknight meals.”

If you’re able to incorporate flaxseeds and almonds into your diet, Routhenstein recommends doing so.

“These foods contain lignans, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that promote heart health by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation,” she said. “These compounds, along with other nutrients such as vitamin E, alpha-linolenic acid and magnesium, help improve cholesterol levels, blood pressure regulation and vascular health, collectively providing cardioprotective benefits.”

As for cereals, choose the the good ones is the key, according to Routhenstein.

“Quinoa and whole-wheat bread are heart-healthy choices because of their rich nutrient profile, including fiber, phosphorus, zinc, plant protein and antioxidants, which collectively lower LDL cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease,” she said.Their “The high fiber content regulates blood sugar and promotes gut health, contributing to overall heart health.”

Keeping your heart healthy is a lifelong endeavor, and diet is only part of the story. Routhenstein, Luger, and Setareh-Shenas all stressed the importance of regular exercise and avoiding habits like smoking. But avoiding bacon, white bread, and French fries whenever possible is a good start.

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