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ED begins questioning Bengal minister arrested in ration scam – Firstpost

ED sleuths are also questioning Mallick, who served as the state’s food and supplies minister from 2011 to 2021, over details of his bank balance and three companies in which his wife and daughter held positions management, the official said.

The ED on Tuesday began questioning arrested West Bengal minister Jyoti Priya Mallick at its municipal office as part of its probe into the alleged multi-crore rupees ration distribution scam, an official said.

Mallick (66), the state forest minister, was brought to the general manager’s office at the CGO complex in Salt Lake on Monday evening after being declared fully fit and released from the hospital, where he was undergoing treatment after having collapsed in court on October 27.

“Our agents started questioning the minister to find out his involvement in the scam. They have a list of questions to ask him which have been formulated based on the answers given by his former aides and personal assistant,” the official told PTI.

Two ED officers question Mallick and his answers are “noted,” he said.

ED sleuths are also questioning Mallick, who served as the state’s food and supplies minister from 2011 to 2021, over details of his bank balance and three companies in which his wife and daughter held positions management, the official said.

The central probe agency is also questioning Amit De, Mallick’s current personal assistant, and other associates as part of its ongoing investigation, he added.


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