
Eating restlessness linked to cognitive decline

A recent study suggests that older adults who don’t worry about what they eat have better cognitive functions than their picky eaters.

According to Nature Mental Health, a UK Biobank study analyzed the food likes and dislikes of almost 182,000 older Britons, but rather than focusing on the effects of a specific diet, the team explored the link between participants’ preferences and their mental well-being. .

After analyzing the data, a trend emerged: people with a broad palate and an omnivorous appetite performed better on cognitive tests than those with limited preferences or strict exclusions. These results indicate that a limited diet – vegan, vegetarian, high protein, etc. – may not be our best bet for brain health.

The study results “demonstrate that specific food preferences have significant associations with mental health, cognitive function, blood and metabolic biomarkers, and brain imaging,” wrote Rebecca MacPherson, associate professor at Brock University in Ontario, Canada, in an email to the Washington Post. .

A diet that incorporates certain foods rather than prioritizing or omitting them has been shown to benefit the brain. nblxer –

In one of the largest and longest health studies ever conducted, participants were asked to complete a food-ranking questionnaire assessing their preferences for 140 foods and beverages on a scale of 1 to 9, with 1 representing “extremely disliked” and 9 “extremely liked”. .”

The questionnaire included 10 categories: alcohol, non-alcoholic drinks, dairy products, flavors, fruits, fish, meat, snacks, starchy foods and vegetables. The researchers found that 57% of participants showed a balanced preference across all categories. Among the remaining population, 18% preferred foods without or reduced starches, 19% opted for a high-protein, low-fiber diet, and the remaining 5% preferred a vegetarian diet.

Study participants were asked to rank their food preferences on a scale of 1 to 9. bit24 –

Contrary to popular belief and according to researcher Wei Cheng, those who fell into the vegetarian category “exhibited increased susceptibility” to symptoms of anxiety, depression and other forms of mental distress. Additionally, respondents who reported a preference for foods high in protein and low in fiber were more likely to report symptoms of anxiety and “decreased well-being.”

Researchers believe that a more balanced, less restrictive diet could be key to maintaining cognition as we age. These experts describe a “balanced” diet as one that includes vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, dairy, eggs and fish.

Researchers believe that a balanced diet, rather than a prohibitive diet, is the key to maintaining brain function. A Denny Syahputra –

Yet the picture of the palate and the connection between what we eat and cognitive function may not be as clear-cut as the study suggests.

As the Washington Post notes, study participants tended to be healthier than the general population. Additionally, the data only shows the association between preferences and mental health, not actual food consumption, meaning those who prefer certain food groups might have other characteristics that influence mental health.

The Biobank study supports other research that illustrates the relationship between what we eat and our overall brain function.

Voted as one of the healthiest diets, and particularly known for its association with longevity and reduced risk of developing a number of lifestyle diseases, the Mediterranean diet is more of a style of eating than a prescriptive program. happy_lark –

While the “Western diet,” high in sugar and saturated fat, has been linked to decreased cognitive function and depressive symptoms, making us fat, stupid, and potentially impotent, the Japanese diet, which favors fish, rice and fermentation, has been found to prevent dementia. Likewise, the popular and well-balanced Mediterranean diet has been shown to support brain function as we age.

And the benefits of living the Med life don’t stop there. The Post reports that the diet may help reduce symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder via the gut microbiome, while other studies show that those who stick to the diet can reduce their risk of premature death by 29 percent. .

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Gn Health

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