
Durable goods orders in the United States for April: 0.7% versus -0.8% expected

  • Previous month +0.9%
  • Durable goods orders for April 0.7% against -0.8% expected. Previous month 0.8%
  • Excluding transport +0.4% versus 0.1% expected. Last month 0.0%.
  • Ex-defense MoM was 0.0% compared to 1.2% last month
  • Cap excluding defense outside the air 0.3% against 0.1% expected. Last month -0.2%.
  • Shipments increased 1.2% month-on-month. Year-over-year shipments are up 2.3%

For the year:

  • Durable goods orders rose 0.5%.
  • Excluding transport +2.1%
  • Excluding Defense + 1.4%

The increase in orders for durable goods represents the third consecutive monthly increase. Transportation equipment – ​​also up for three consecutive months, led the increase with a 1.2% gain for the month.

It should be noted that this number can be quite volatile. Last month’s preliminary release showed a 2.6% gain for durable goods. He finished at 0.8%. So be aware

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at


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