
Dua Lipa’s “Radical Optimism” is full of super catchy bangers

<em>Radical optimism</em> is Dua Lipa’s latest album.’/></p><p>British singer Dua Lipa has become one of the world’s biggest pop stars.  Now she’s back with <em>Radical optimism</em>, a sort of conceptual record about going through life with a more mature and constructive attitude.  But it’s also a fairly straightforward collection of super-catchy, no-nonsense bangers.</p><p>(Image credit: Tyrone Lebon)</p><p><img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" decoding="async" data-src="https://media.npr.org/include/images/tracking/npr-rss-pixel.png?story=1197964457" /></p><p>Entertainment</p><div class=

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