World News

Drunk Yellowstone tourist roars at bison before being attacked

Being a respectful and attentive visitor to the flora and fauna is an essential part of visiting our national parks. But not everyone who goes out into nature knows how to leave everything as they found it.

A video shared on Instagram by Tourons of Yellowstone shows what happened when a drunk tourist decided to come face-to-face with a massive bison in Yellowstone National Park. Cars on the road were stopped in both directions as the man stood meters from the animal while someone in a car filmed the interaction.

At first, the man spread his arms wide, apparently inviting the bison to come closer to him. He quickly moved closer and the man stepped aside. Then he turned towards the bison, opened his arms wide and roared at the animal. Not one to back down from a challenge, the bison rushed towards the man head on. The person filming did not film what happened next, but the man was apparently unharmed as he was still walking a few meters later.

Onlookers couldn’t understand why he decided to fight such an intimidating wild animal in its natural habitat. Some urged him to get back in his car and ridiculed him for doing something so stupid. People on Instagram tended to agree.

“I think I’d rather the drunk guy get gored by the buffalo than get arrested. That would make the incident more interesting and newsworthy,” one person commented.

“(I) was really hoping for a good jump in the air and a bloody landing,” said another.

“I support the bison. He has evolution on his side,” added another.

The lesson here is to not even risk something this dangerous the next time you’re in a national park, whether you’re sober or not.


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