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Dozens of stores you once loved that no longer exist

  • Declining foot traffic and the rise of e-commerce have led thousands of stores to close permanently.
  • Former household names like Borders, Circuit City and Blockbuster are now just retail history.
  • Here are 49 once-beloved stores that no longer have a significant physical presence.

Physical retail is a tough industry.

One day your favorite brand may be booming and enjoying strong sales from loyal customers, while the next day it’s fighting for survival and fending off creditors.

The only constant is change, especially as emerging trends, shopping habits and e-commerce players grab a bigger piece of the pie.

Here’s a look back at some of the retail brands whose stores once welcomed thousands of people every day, but are now enshrined in the retail history books – or only exist online or represent only a tiny fraction of what they once were.


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