
Does sugar in fruit cause inflammation? Here’s what you need to know

The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks chronic inflammatory diseases among the greatest threats to human health. This isn’t bad news, but unfortunately, in 2000, more than 125 million Americans suffered from a disease related to chronic inflammation, and more than 61 million lived with more than one disease.

Inflammation is a term you’ve probably heard before. This can actually be beneficial in response to an injury, such as stubbing a toe. This indicates that your body’s natural defense system is activating and going to work in the short term, known as acute inflammation. On the other hand, when acute inflammation does not resolve on its own and persists long-term, it can lead to serious consequences, including chronic inflammation, which is associated with a cascade of health problems.

Before you get scared, here’s some good news! Dietary and lifestyle choices can have a significant impact on chronic inflammation. However, you should exercise caution when reading headlines regarding diet and inflammation. For example, you may have heard that cutting out sugar is necessary to avoid chronic inflammation, because consuming too much added sugar increases your risk.

Wondering whether the apple you have in your hand is a good choice or not, you search the web and are even more confused than ever since, technically, fruit contains sugar. Rest assured, we have what you need in this article. We spoke to registered dietitian nutritionists and a certified diabetes educator to get the lowdown on fruit and inflammation.

Understanding the different types of sugar

Foods are made up of added or natural sugars, and sometimes a little of both. While added and natural sugars break down into glucose during digestion, we digest them a little differently, largely due to their nutritional makeup.

“Natural sugars are found naturally in foods, such as fruits, vegetables and dairy products, and are usually linked to a matrix of beneficial nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. For this reason, these sugars are generally digested more slowly and have less impact on blood sugar levels,” says Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDCES, New Jersey-based registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator and author of Diabetes dies in 2 dayst.

In contrast, “added sugars are sugars that are added to foods during processing or preparation,” Palinski-Wade adds. Additionally, they do not provide additional nutritional value and are digested more quickly than their natural counterparts, which has a greater impact on blood sugar levels.

How do fruits rank on the glycemic index?

The glycemic index (GI) measures how quickly food (especially 50 grams of carbohydrates) is absorbed into your bloodstream. The problem with GI is that we often eat foods with a smaller amount of carbohydrates and in combination with other foods, which also affects the blood sugar response. With this in mind, Palinski-Wade shares, “Fruits generally have a low to moderate glycemic index, meaning they cause a gradual increase in blood sugar levels rather than a quick spike. » Cara Harbstreet, MS, RD, LD, of Street Smart Nutrition shares that some low-to-moderate GI fruits include cherries, apricots, plums, apples, pears, berries, and grapes.

Palinski-Wade and Harbstreet agree that GI is a bit outdated and that glycemic load (GL) is a better tool for deciphering how foods, like fruit, will affect blood sugar. The GL takes into account the standard serving of a food typically consumed and its impact on blood sugar levels. For example, watermelon is considered a high glycemic index food, with a glycemic index of 74. In contrast, when considering the actual portion of watermelon consumed in a standard serving, the glycemic load is relatively low, at 4.

But do not worry ! You don’t need to remember GI or GL or any other specific acronyms. Instead, see how different fruits feel after eating them. And remember that fruit contains fiber, which slows the absorption of its natural sugar into your bloodstream. Additionally, pairing fruit with healthy fat or protein sources, like nuts, seeds, and dairy, helps prevent sugar spikes even further.

What causes inflammation?

Let’s be clear: Chronic inflammation doesn’t happen overnight. Just because you eat a cookie with added sugar or eat a large banana instead of a small one doesn’t mean you’ll wake up with chronic inflammation. Despite what the internet may tell you, that’s just not how it works.

Although excessive consumption of added sugar can lead to chronic inflammation, it is not the only risk factor. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, genetics, weight and smoking are other risk factors associated with chronic inflammation.

So instead of striving to eliminate all processed foods and sugars from your diet, focus on supporting your body with nutrient-dense foods with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pro-inflammatory markers in your body.

What about sugar in fruit?

Here’s the deal: “In theory, it’s possible, but in reality, probably not,” Harbstreet shares. Since the natural sugars in fruit come together in a nice nutrient package containing fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants, the natural sugar in fruit is unlikely to cause inflammation.

In fact, decades of research shows the opposite when it comes to the nutrient density of our producer friends. A 2022 study confirmed that active compounds in fruits, such as antioxidants, have powerful anti-inflammatory effects and should be included in the diet.

While the mixed headlines may seem confusing, we assure you, as Harbstreet says, “It’s best to think of fruits as greater than the sum of their parts rather than isolating their sugar content.” These other nutrients that are easily found in fruit can actually support well-being and fight inflammation.

The essential

Nutrition experts agree that consuming natural sugars from fruit does not cause inflammation. In fact, says Palinski-Wade: “A diet rich in fruit can help fight inflammation (thanks to its antioxidants), so avoiding fruit to reduce natural sugars may limit the body’s ability to fight inflammation.” » Instead of fearing fruit for its sugar content, consider pairing it with a protein and/or fat to help slow sugar absorption while providing a little more satiety.

Frequently asked questions

  • Is fruit an inflammatory food?

    The short answer is no! Despite their sugar content, fruits are packed with antioxidants that actually help fight inflammation in your body.

  • Does cutting sugar reduce inflammation?

    Limiting your added sugar can help prevent chronic inflammation, but it’s not necessary to eliminate it completely. Instead, focus on regular exercise, limit your alcohol intake, if you smoke, try to quit and incorporate nutritious foods into your diet.

  • Does the sugar in fruit count towards your daily sugar intake?

    While the The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting added sugar to no more than 10% of total daily calories; sugar found in fruit would not count toward this allowance.

News Source :
Gn Health

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