Does a vote for Robert F. Kennedy for president hurt Trump?

Participants in our recent live chat reflected on the effect of third-party votes on the presidential candidates of the major political parties. A reader named Cathy asked: “If they vote Kennedy, it will hurt Trump. Correct?”

It’s an open question. Democrats aren’t sure the net effect of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent campaign is in their favor. The argument begins with the idea that former President Donald Trump enjoys greater voter engagement, so anyone taking away votes could further harm President Biden.

There are also polls that show Cornel West, who is also running an independent campaign, and Kennedy performing well among young people and black voters, both Democratic core groups. But that could change. If Kennedy runs for office as a Libertarian, it could further harm Republicans. And it remains to be seen how the polls and Kennedy’s campaign will evolve.

Read the third-party chat transcript here.


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