World News

Do you have student debt? Here’s how to pay it back.

The U.S. Department of Education is making a one-time adjustment to allow people with student loan debt to potentially receive three years of credit toward loan forgiveness. With student debt at record levels, the move could hurt the wallets of millions of Americans at a time when consumers are already stretched thin.

Maconomics Founder and CEO Ross Mac Joins Wealth! to detail some of the best ways Americans can manage and pay off their student debt.

Mac reminds student loan borrowers, “You have to approach it like any form of debt. It all starts with a well constructed plan and the first course of action when it comes to getting out of any form of debt is to make sure your budget is correct. You need to be able to monitor your inputs and outputs, so you understand where you can actually cut expenses and other frivolous matters to apply now and have a little more money to start paying more than just budget. minimum.”

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This message was written by Nicolas Jacobino


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