
Digital Foundry explores why some games “run better” on PS5 than Xbox Series X

Regardless, the team goes on to say that Microsoft’s approach puts the Xbox Series X more in line with PC (making cross-development easier), and that in some cases, the Series X still comes out on top depending on the game and its developer. We have It certainly felt like this generation was pretty closely matched (another thing the DF team notes), so none of this really had a major impact on us as Series X users. Still, it’s interesting to know that there are more differences between the two consoles than what’s immediately apparent!

“From our conversations, the combination of a more efficient GPU compiler, lower-level APIs, and higher clock speeds allows PlayStation 5 to match or even surpass Xbox Series X performance in some scenarios. That said, there is of course value in Microsoft’s approach: by standardizing on DirectX 12 and the DXR ray tracing API, there is a commonality with PC development that obviously helps game creators. And of course, Xbox still has higher compute throughput, so game engines that take advantage of that will see benefits.”

What do you think of this new information from the developers? Tell us about your experiences with both machines below.


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