
Did the royal family cancel this year’s Trooping the Color

Last week, the British royal family cleared their calendar, noting that due to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s call for a special general election, they would postpone almost all of their appearances until July 4. This means that King Charles and Queen Camilla will win. While they weren’t making their usual public outings, many wondered if this year’s Trooping the Color was also going to be pulled from the calendar. According to PA Media reports, the event is still occurring, according to an Army statement.

The event is scheduled for June 15 and will celebrate King Charles’ birthday, even though he was born on November 14, 1948, and will highlight the British military. The “colors” of the event’s name come from the flags of military regiments, and in the past members of the royal family were part of a procession, either on horseback or in a carriage, and it all ended with a gathering of all on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. to watch a Royal Air Force flyover.

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Regarding the general election, Buckingham Palace said the royal family would postpone appearances “which could appear to distract or distract from the election campaign”.

Even if 2024’s Trooping the Color remains on the calendar, it’s unclear what it will look like this year as the royal continues his cancer treatments and Kate Middleton remains at home, recovering from her own cancer diagnosis and the chemotherapy that followed. While Charles returned to public duties in April, Kate has not attended a royal event since Christmas 2023. She announced her cancer diagnosis in March 2024.


According to PA Media Reports, almost a thousand troops and 240 horses will take part in a “khaki rehearsal” at Horse Guards Parade in London tomorrow to prepare for Trooping the Color in 2024. This will be followed by a review by the Major General on June 1 and a colonel’s review on June 8. People that “the purpose of the colonel’s examination is to decide that they are ready for the monarch”. People also adds that the five regiments of the Foot Guards – Grenadier, Coldstream, Scots, Irish and Welsh – rotate each year to lead the parade. This year the Irish Guards have this honour. Kate is an honorary colonel in the Irish Guards.

King Charles is expected to make an appearance at the landing events on June 5 and 6. Planned in Normandy, France, the trip would mark Charles’ first visit abroad since his cancer announcement.


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