
Diablo II: Resurrected Ranked Season 8 Coming Soon — Diablo II: Resurrected — Blizzard News

The inhabitants of the sanctuary will be happy to set their eyes on you again, traveler.

Countless demons have died at the end of your weapon, but their assault continues unabated. Sanctuary needs a savior! Return on August 23 to wreak havoc in the ranks of the Burning Hells in Ladder Season 8!

Patch Notes 2.7.4

Diablo II: Resurrected Ranked Season 8 Coming Soon — Diablo II: Resurrected — Blizzard News

This patch will go live on August 20th. It brings a variety of bug fixes to various systems and updates to player reports.


  • Player reports have been updated.


  • Fixed an issue where the Assassin’s Blade Fury skill would stop channeling when the initially targeted monster died.
  • Fixed an issue where the Assassin’s Dragon Tail would consume charges inconsistently.
  • Fixed an issue where Dragon Tail could cause desync and rubber banding issues in both online and offline play.
  • Fixed an issue where the Act III Mercenary would target crows with Enchant.
  • Fixed an issue where joining a new game while a Terror Zone rotation was starting could result in a failed connection to the game.
  • Fixed an issue where a skill could become unbound when switching weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where missiles could desync if an ability was targeting a target that was standing on top of an object.

User Interface and User Experience

  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip in the character screen for Amazon’s Lightning Bolt was displaying inaccurate data.
  • Fixed an issue where the character list would be re-sorted every time the game was restarted.

Developer’s Note: This issue has been resolved on PC only. We plan to update a fix for consoles soon and will keep you updated.

  • Fixed an issue where the Slow Missile tooltip would not display accurate information about what effects the next level of the skill would produce.
  • Fixed an issue where there was no arrow between Lightning and Chain Lightning skills in the skill tree when using the controller.

Ladder Season 8

Our previous Diablo® II: Resurrected™ ranking seasons have shown just how adept adventurers are at saving Sanctuary, racing to be the first to cement their name on the leaderboard, while striking fear into the tormented hearts of their demonic opponents.

Ladder Season 8 will offer brave adventurers another opportunity to race toward Level 99 and collect powerful loot along the way. We can’t wait to see which determined souls will etch their name into the ladder this time around.

Ladder Season 8 Release Date:

North America

August 23, 5:00 PM PDT


August 24, 2am CEST


August 24, 9am KST

As with previous seasons, Ladder Season 8 will feature different modes:

Pre-extension ladderThe standard version of the Ladder game which includes only the four original acts.
Hardcore Ladder Pre-ExpansionThe hardcore (one life only) version of Ladder play that only includes the original four acts.
LadderThe standard version of the Ladder game which includes five acts, as it includes the content of the “Lord of Destruction” expansion.
Hardcore ScaleThe hardcore (one life) version of the Ladder game that includes five acts, as it includes the content of the “Lord of Destruction” expansion.

For those new to Ladder Seasons, you may be wondering what happens to your shared stash loot once the current season ends.

Once Ladder Season 7 ends, all Ladder characters will be transferred to their respective non-Ladder group. All items in that character group’s Shared Stash are placed in a new set of Withdrawal Only Shared Stash tabs, indicated by a checked Passed box. Any Ladder Season 6 items stored in the “Remove Only” tabs will be lost at this time. You will have the entirety of Ladder Season 8 to remove any items you wish to keep from Season 7. When Ladder Season 8 ends, this set of remove-only stash tabs will be replaced with all items from the Ladder Season 7 shared stash. Be sure to remove all items before this date, or they will be lost forever!

May your ladder run be filled with demons to eviscerate and plentiful loot.
-The Diablo II: Resurrected Team

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