Democrats are using an infirm 81-year-old Joe Biden to defraud the electorate
There was a grisly familiarity in the sight last week of a dead man in Brazil being brought into a bank by a greedy relative to sign a loan document.
The woman is seen in a social media video talking to the corpse in the wheelchair while trying to lift its floppy head with one hand.
In her other hand, she holds a pen stuck between the dead man’s fingers as she attempts to sign documents to secure a $3,250 loan.
“Uncle Paulo, are you listening?” “, the woman, named by CNN Brazil as Érika de Souza Vieira Nunes, told the late Paulo Braga, 68. “Sign so you don’t give me any more headaches.” I can not stand it anymore. »
Uncle Paolo does not answer. His eyes are closed. His mouth is open.
“He doesn’t look good,” the bank teller said, in an understatement of the year. “He’s very pale.”
Rio de Janeiro police who arrested Nunes said his uncle Paulo, who was actually his cousin, had been dead for at least two hours. They accused her of fraud and abuse of a corpse.
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Isn’t it too bad we can’t accuse the Democratic Party of the same crimes? After all, the barbaric treatment of Uncle Paolo in Brazil is a metaphor for how Democrats are using a crippled 81-year-old Joe Biden to defraud the electorate.
Those of us who aren’t involved in the scam are the bank teller who says, “He doesn’t look good.” Are you sure he’s okay?
It’s as if the entire country is attached to the corpse in that wheelchair as he hurtles toward the edge of a cliff.
Most Americans agree that “Bernie’s weekend” did not go well.
It’s not just Biden’s sepulchral presentation, but also his administration’s increasingly unpopular policies covering the economy, borders, foreign affairs and a series of fringe social engineering projects, like the rewriting Friday of Title IX, which effectively abolishes the distinction between women and men.
The nation wasn’t exactly clamoring for this Orwellian policy, but it is part of the curious tapestry of tailor-made appeasement that constitutes Biden’s re-election agenda.
Claiming you stopped inflation, claiming you need Congress to close the border, claiming your uncle was eaten by cannibals: these are not vote winners for Biden.
Whether he walks “like a toothpick,” as Donald Trump describes the president’s stiff gait, whether he falls, whether he scrambles the scripts on the teleprompter, or whether he begins to shout suddenly and angrily, in the normal political calculation, such a candidate should be heading for a car accident.
Worse yet, the backup plan is Kamala Harris, who doesn’t even benefit from the vapor trail of Honest Joe’s self-mythology that has deceived America for 50 years.
With Harris, what you see is what you get: complete condescending, phony bullshit.
The polls reflect the Democrats’ problem.
You could feel their heads exploding while watching NBC’s “Meet The Press” on Sunday, where a new poll showed Trump crushing Biden by four to 22 points on “handling a crisis” (46% to 42%) , “a solid record as president.” » (46% to 39%), “Coping with inflation and the cost of living” (52% to 30%) and “Necessary mental and physical health” (45% to 26%).
Most unpalatable of all was Trump’s 9-point advantage over Biden on who was “competent and effective” (47% to 36%), a category in which Biden had a 10-point advantage over Trump in 2020.
There were more lead blowouts for Democrats on CNN, where voters in the battleground states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin viewed Trump more favorably than Biden by four points, 47 % versus 43%. In 2020, the situation reversed, with Biden leading 50% to 45%.
“Donald Trump is, in fact, more liked than he was four years ago — and he is more liked than Joe Biden right now,” CNN polling analyst Harry Enten said. Double ouch.
As if to underscore Biden’s disconnect with voters his campaign led him three days in a row last week in Pennsylvania, state pollsters say he can’t lose.
The motto was “Scranton v. Mar-a-Lago: Making the Rich Pay Their Fair Share,” as if Biden isn’t living a billionaire’s lifestyle in a custom mansion he built on a riverside estate lake in the castle region in one of the most chic countries. certain parts of the country, and as if his son was not accused of tax evasion in California for family influence peddling.
The popular “Working Class Joe” schtick appears to have weakened, judging by the lackluster reception he received from ordinary people when he made so-called “unscheduled” campaign stops in catering establishments to purchase food.
The real purpose of these stilted interludes appears to be to allow the campaign videographer to obtain footage of the president interacting with real people. But you really shouldn’t look too closely at how the sausage is made.
When he walked into a Sheetz gas station in Pittsburgh, for example, Biden never removed his Aviators brand. Video footage shows him standing in front of a woman and a little girl, gawking at them wordlessly, before moving around the store, interacting with no one until he reached the counter where the saleswoman was ready to ask for a selfie.
Biden posed, then left the wooden stage left. The reporters tried to ask questions: “Are you worried that the new steel tariffs will harm your relationship with Xi Jinping?”
“No!” ” Biden said, pausing on the threshold before launching his inexplicable and well-known riposte: “Don’t jump!
The comparison with Trump’s charisma in terms of popular engagement is unavoidable.
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The former president was mobbed in Harlem last week when he took a post-trial opportunity to visit the bodega where Jose Alba fatally stabbed an ex-convict in self-defense and was later wrongfully accused of murder. Unlike Biden’s random campaign stops, Trump’s visit had meaning.
He wanted to highlight the skewed priorities of an unjust justice system, which was used to neutralize him as Biden’s opponent.
At one point in Pittsburgh, a reporter pointed out the obvious to Biden: “When you drive around the neighborhood, you see a lot of Trump signs, not a lot of Biden signs. Do you feel like you’re in trouble here?
This did not please the president, who is only driven by anger.
“Well, you didn’t drive in the right places, buddy,” he said dryly.
Snarling denials of reality are probably not a recipe for electoral success. But these days, that’s not the only way to win elections, and turnout will be key this year as voter enthusiasm hits an all-time low.
Even if Biden is a dead man, you can bet the Democrats have plenty of dirty tricks up their sleeves.
New York Post