2024 was an extremely special year for Deepika Padukone as she welcomed her first child with husband Ranveer Singh. The couple revealed their daughter’s name as Dua on the occasion of Diwali. Now, Deepika has posted a message in which she agreed that nothing has topped the birth of her little one last year.
Today, January 8, 2025, Deepika Padukone took to her Instagram stories and shared a post about becoming a mother. It was originally posted by a motherhood Instagram account.
The post featured an image of the sun setting over the sea. The text read: “Moms who gave birth in 2024. Remember this… When you see everyone’s highlights at the end of the year, remember you that your body grew and gave birth to a whole human being this year! NOTHING tops that.
Coming to the post, Deepika captioned it with an ‘Amen’ sticker. Take a look at his story!
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcomed their baby girl on September 8, 2024. Their official announcement on Instagram received a lot of love from their friends and colleagues in the film industry.
On Diwali, the couple posted a glimpse of their daughter’s feet and revealed her name: Dua Padukone Singh. The caption also shared the meaning of the name. It said: “’Dua’: meaning a prayer. Because it is the answer to our prayers. Our hearts are filled with love and gratitude. Deepika and Ranveer. Check out the article!
Deepika and Ranveer were spotted yesterday at the Mumbai airport while returning from their vacation where they celebrated the actress’ birthday.
On the work front, Deepika Padukone was last seen in the film Singham Again. Fans are eagerly waiting for the announcement of his next project in Hindi. Meanwhile, Ranveer Singh was busy shooting for his next film with Aditya Dhar. It is titled Dhurandhar.
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