Regina King, a Capricorn.
Photo-illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
If you’re having trouble staying focused today, don’t beat yourself up: Venus and Jupiter clash, making it harder to gain the discipline you need to get things done. If you can’t adjust your schedule, at least adjust your expectations (of yourself). And others). Everyone has the occasional day off, but if you embrace it and follow distractions where they lead rather than forcing yourself to work harder, you might even enjoy it.
You might feel unnoticed or undervalued today – and the harder you’ve worked lately, the more it will hurt. Sometimes when you don’t get the credit you deserve, the solution is to make yourself impossible to ignore. However, right now, flying under the radar could be surprisingly enjoyable, finally giving you the freedom to do what you want. want without worrying about what others think. Trust that the spotlight will return to you soon enough; For now, enjoy some peace and quiet.
In general, you control your pace well. While some people try to do a dozen things at once and quickly burn out, you move at a more sustainable speed. From time to time, however, you worry that you are not using your time wisely and that if you don’t hurry up and make all your dreams come true right awayyou’ll never get the chance again. Today, try to avoid this impulse to rush through your life. Rushing will only lead to mistakes, and it won’t get you to where you want to be any faster.
You find it flattering when people ask you for help: it shows that others trust you and think you are capable. So when your friends ask you for favors, you say yes as often as possible. But today it will be easy to overcommit, whether because you overestimated the time you have or because you don’t know how to decline gracefully. Try to be honest with yourself and others about who you are. In fact able and willing to take responsibility. It will be better to say no straight away rather than making promises you can’t keep.
If you want to make your dreams come true, you can’t keep them to yourself forever: eventually, you have to expose yourself, let yourself be seen trying, failing, and trying again. But today, remember that you don’t need to rush into action either. These days, satisfaction can be found in brainstorming and planning. Take a little extra time to make sure You know what you want. You don’t have to let someone else tell you your ideas yet.
It’s easy to think that all of your time should be used productively and that all of your relationships should serve a purpose in your life. You have big dreams and you don’t want to waste your energy on people or activities that don’t bring you closer to them. But today, stop trying to optimize everything. Relationships don’t need to do anything other than make you feel good to be worth it, and seemingly unproductive days often end up being very rewarding.
It might be tempting today to simply tell others what they want to hear. The more pleasant you can be, the easier your day will be; the less you contradict people, the more they will want to support you. But be careful not to be accepting that you will end up making bold statements that you don’t really believe or know enough about. While this might make things easier in the short term, it will end up creating way more trouble than it’s worth. Try to stay honest, even if it doesn’t suit you.
Today you might feel particularly motivated. New ideas might light up your imagination, or new projects might offer you the challenge you needed. It’s a good day to immerse yourself in what you’re most passionate about, but it’s probably not the best time to make long-term plans or commitments. Your interest and energy level could remain stable, but they might as well disappear within a few days, so for now, take it easy.
Normally, you’re slow to trust new people, but today you might be unusually willing to ignore red flags. We feel alone holding everyone at arm’s length; Even if you’re suspicious of other people’s motives, there’s still a part of you that wants to believe that deep down, people are GOOD. Don’t be afraid to let your guard down, but don’t ignore your common sense either. Give others the benefit of the doubt, but when your gut tells you something is seriously wrong, listen.
You might be swept away by nostalgia today. The more you remember old relationships and times gone by, the sadder and duller the present seems and the more dissatisfied you feel with everything you have now. But don’t rush to make changes in your life: chances are, right now, the past seems much better and the present seems much worse than either of them actually is. Wait a day or two to decide what, if anything, you will do about how you feel now.
When there is work to be done, you are often the one who takes charge – not necessarily because you to want but simply because you know someone has to do it. Others might shy away from this responsibility or imagine that it is not their problem, but your sense of duty will not allow you to do so. Today just remember you can’t do Allno matter how much you care. Spreading yourself too thin won’t do anyone any good, so choose one or two projects to commit to.
Most often, the more effort you put in, the better the results. If you put in more hours, you’ll get more done; if you push yourself harder, you will progress better. But today it is unlikely that this will happen. Your hard work does not guarantee success; instead, you risk overthinking and going in circles, tiring yourself out but ending up in the same place you started. You will have productive days again, but this is unlikely to be the case, so try to relax.
With your quiet confidence and genuine interest in others, you may find that you are capable of charming virtually everyone today. People are drawn to your energy and this will make socializing particularly rewarding. Just be careful not to get so carried away with your own popularity that you forget what you really care about. You will not be able to live up to the ideas that others have about you all time; if you have to choose between pleasing others and doing what is right, choose the latter.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyante’s Guide to the Stars, here.