
DAILY COMMENT: Beware the lure of punishing conservatives

Economics is known as the dismal science because its predictions often turn out to be horribly wrong.

In recent years, political forecasts have fared little better. Not only did pollsters fail to predict a series of general election results, they also got spectacularly wrong on Brexit.

But even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

If current polls are to be believed, Labor is expected to achieve a “supermajority” on July 4.

Given their understandable disenchantment with the government, millions of traditional Conservatives intend to vote for Reform UK in protest or simply stay home.

DAILY COMMENT: Beware the lure of punishing conservatives

If current polls are to be believed, Sir Keir Starmer’s Labor Party is expected to secure a “supermajority” on July 4.

Conservatives who turn to the Reform Party will only enable a government that will give them the opposite of what they want in every area imaginable.

Conservatives who turn to the Reform Party will only enable a government that will give them the opposite of what they want in every area imaginable.

Yet in around 130 seats, Labour’s vote share is lower than that of the Conservatives and Reforms combined – enough for the Conservatives to retain the constituency.

This could halve Sir Keir Starmer’s landslide.

Conservative voters must weigh the desire to punish their own party against the consequences of propelling a socialist into power with virtually no checks and balances.

Under a Labor government we will have higher taxes, higher public spending and more immigration.

Sir Keir’s team let it slip that they wanted to make it easier for men to identify as women, compromising the safety and privacy of women and girls.

They want to repeal rules banning schools from teaching children about gender ideology. And they will start to dismantle Brexit.

Even the most optimistic polls give Nigel Farage’s party only a tiny handful of seats.

Conservatives who turn to the Reform Party will only hand over power to a government that will give them the opposite of what they want in every area imaginable.

While there is a place for physician associates (PAs), they cannot replace more physicians.

While there is a place for physician associates (PAs), they cannot replace more physicians.

Prioritize patients

When ministers revealed plans to expand the use of “doctor associates” to tackle the doctor shortage, the Mail expressed fears it could put patients at risk.

Ten years later, it is becoming increasingly clear that we were right to be concerned. The original idea was that doctors with just two years of health care training would assist doctors with their daily tasks, freeing up time for additional appointments.

Yet as demands on the NHS have increased, they have taken on more clinical responsibilities. Patients do not always know that they are not seeing a doctor or GP.

The British Medical Association is now taking legal action. The union says doctors are being quietly sidelined.

But with colossally high waitlists and doctors retiring or instead taking lucrative private and locum tenens work, it’s no surprise that PAs are being used to fill workforce shortages.

And if the BMA really cared about patient safety, wouldn’t it spend less time on strike?

Of course, even if there is a place for PAs, they cannot replace more doctors.

Yes, the NHS must reform to survive. But the goal should always be to achieve better patient outcomes – and nothing else.

Get well soon, Madam

While it’s not quite an annus horribilis, this year has been one of the most difficult for the royal family so far.

Devoted, stoic and friendly, Princess Anne, now recovering from an incident involving a horse, is one of the most popular members of the monarchy.

Devoted, stoic and friendly, Princess Anne, now recovering from an incident involving a horse, is one of the most popular members of the monarchy.

The King and Princess of Wales are both being treated for cancer, and Princess Anne is now hospitalized after a horse incident at her home.

Fortunately, she is expected to make a full and speedy recovery.

While her loved ones are recovering, Anne, an indomitable worker, has stepped into the breach, fulfilling as many commitments as possible without complaint.

Devoted to duty, stoic and friendly, she is one of the most popular members of the monarchy.

The Mail joins all honest Britons in urging: “Get well soon, Madam.”

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