
Country music star remarries 8 years after wife’s tragic death

Rory Feek is off the market, and that might just be the heartwarming story of the week in country music.

According to multiple sources, the 59-year-old and his girlfriend Rebecca recently tied the knot. The union comes eight years after Feek’s ex-wife and singing partner Joey Feek passed away, according to Taste of Country. The site reported that she had battled breast cancer two years before her death. She was just 40 years old.

Rory and Joey had a daughter, Indy, and Taste of Country said Rory met Rebecca while teaching his daughter at the school on his property.

Rory shared some details in a blog post on his website.

“I sang at a wedding last weekend,” he wrote. “The only problem was… the bride had no idea.”

That’s when he revealed that he had composed a special song and performed it on their wedding day. You can also see the video he made for Rebecca below:


Rory also made another heartwarming revelation in this blog post. His daughter Indy has Down syndrome, and he revealed that he and Rebecca were worried about how she might feel about their marriage. This was partly because Indy was very attached to Joey, and because she saw Rebecca as her teacher.

“And even though she had become so much more than that to me, I was very careful to let Indy ‘figure it out’ for herself,” he wrote. “And honestly, I wasn’t really sure she ever would, or would.”

But everything changed in March, when Indy told Rebecca, “I think you should marry Dad.”

“I told Miss Rebecca that my mother was long gone,” Rory told her, Indy told her. “And if she marries you, maybe she could be my new mother…”

You can read the full blog post here.

Again, this is just about the best, most heartwarming story to come out of country music – and really in general – this week.

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