
Confronting the nation: Salvanto, Pope, Russell

Face the nation: Salvanto, Pape, Russell FR24 News English

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Did you miss the second half of the show? Breaking News… President Biden and former President Donald Trump are even showing up in a new CBS News poll of the battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. CBS News Elections and Investigations Director Anthony Salvanto joins “Face the Nation” to discuss. Amid protests on college campuses across the country, University of Chicago political science professor Robert Pape told “Face the Nation” that “there are so many reasons” that university leaders should take “calming measures” now, and UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell told “Face the Nation” that she recently visited the Israeli-occupied West Bank and was able to witness for herself the devastation caused by the increase in violence, while meeting the Israeli families of those detained. Hamas hostage.

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