
Concord trailer shows what you actually do in the PS5 shooter

Sony has finally pulled back the curtain to reveal what Concord it’s actually about. it gives guardians of the galaxy atmospheres mixed with a traditional competitive shooter. The FPS PvP was first revealed a year ago and will come to PlayStation 5 and PC later this year on August 23.

We first took a look at a cinematic trailer showing a team of bickering “Freegunner” mercenaries having lunch in a space restaurant before being ambushed. A woman in the group cast magic while a robot used a vacuum gun and grenade to take out enemies, hinting at class combat. They then regrouped aboard their ship to plan their next job.

Here is that trailer:

What followed next was a hero shooter in familiar 5v5 arenas. The game will feature 16 different Freegunners with varied playstyles that merge the improvisation of a fighting game with the preparation and planning of a strategy game. Some will have explosive knives. Others will summon protective domes. Nothing in the trailer made Concord necessarily stand out from the plethora of other shooters competing in this space right now, but the proof will be in how the game feels while playing and progressing .

The roster will expand over time, and Firewalk promises regular free updates after launch to add new characters, maps, modes, cinematic tiles, and other additions. As for the larger story surrounding the Freegunners and their home in the Concord galaxy, the studio has yet to reveal its role. Players will seemingly learn more each week as new cutscenes develop about the world and its lore. A beta version will go live this summer for pre-orders.

Firewalk Studios’ first game announced at the Sony May 2023 showcase with just a brief cutscene of some burgers cooking on a spaceship as it travels through the cosmos. The camera turned on a sniper rifle on a table and some clothes in a storage locker, with a rainbow of light glistening on the dirty mental surface of the ship as it flew through hyperspace. It seemed vaguely retro-futuristic, hinting at a colorful optimism more in tune with Monitoring that Call of Duty.

Concord is a gathering of peoples,” game director Ryan Ellis written at the time. “This is the power of games to build connections and inspire social play. The Firewalk team is motivated by the type of exciting, unexpected moments and shared experiences that multiplayer games create. Every time you log in, it’s the start of a new adventure and every match is the opportunity for a new story. It is these ideals that define Concordits unique universe of vibrant worlds and its rich cast of colorful characters.

Sony had acquired Firewalk a month earlier, previously part of ProbablyMonsters, a company run by former Bungie veterans (Ellis himself was previously creative director on Fate, which Sony now also owns). At the time, the team working on Concord was around 150, making it smaller than Sony’s AAA Studios but larger than Arrowhead, creator of the recent multiplayer hit Helldiverse 2.

“Firewalk’s innovative approach to connected storytelling and commitment to high-quality gameplay continues to exceed our expectations,” Hermen Hulst, head of PlayStation Studios, said after the acquisition. “I think fans will be very happy when they see what Firewalk has in store for them.”

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