Complaints from U.S. air travelers have increased over the past year, and this is the most common complaint: data

Complaints from U.S. air travelers increased 12% last year, according to data from the federal Transportation Department.

According to the annual Air Travel Consumer Report, 96,853 traveler “submissions” were received in 2023, compared to 86,240 in 2022, the highest number since 2020.

Nearly 70%, or 67,661, of the submissions were for U.S. airlines, while 26% focused on foreign carriers.

On average, 91% of complaints filed by air travelers over the past three years were complaints. Getty Images
Complaints from U.S. air travelers have reached the highest level on record outside of 2020. EPA

According to the report, on average, 91% of complaints filed over the past three years were made by dissatisfied passengers.

In 2023, the top complaint was disability-related issues, with 2,685 passenger complaints, a 28% increase from the previous year.

The top passenger complaint in 2023 was disability issues. AFP via Getty Images

The DOT saw a similar 27% increase in discrimination-related complaints in 2023, to 223.

The ministry declined to break down the complaints by airline or airport.

The astronomical number of complaints comes as disturbing and uncontrollable incidents on board aircraft make headlines almost daily.

New York Post

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