Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert  undergoes emergency surgery for blood clot in leg

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert underwent emergency surgery on her leg to remove a blood clot and was diagnosed with May-Thurner syndrome, she announced Tuesday evening.

The congresswoman, 37, was admitted to UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies in Loveland after experiencing swelling in her left upper leg.

“After undergoing a CT scan, doctors found an acute blood clot and diagnosed him with May-Thurner syndrome, a rare disease that disrupts blood flow,” a statement from his campaign read on Facebook.

Doctors scheduled and performed surgery on Boebert Tuesday morning to remove the blood clot and add a stent to treat his symptoms.

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert announced she underwent emergency leg surgery and was subsequently diagnosed with May-Thurner syndrome on Tuesday. REUTERS

“The exact cause is unknown, but dehydration, travel and prolonged periods of sitting have all been identified as potential factors causing symptoms of May-Thurner syndrome. Women aged 20 to 45 who have given birth are also more likely to have May-Thurner syndrome.

“I would like to thank Dr. Rebecca Bade and the entire team at UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies for their excellent care and helpful information regarding my recent diagnosis,” Boebert added. “I look forward to making a full recovery and returning to Congress to continue fighting for Colorado.”

Boebert is expected to make a full recovery.
Boebert is expected to make a full recovery. Getty Images

“We successfully operated on the MP this morning and we hope she will make a full recovery,” said Dr. Bade, a hospitalist at the hospital. “Patients with May-Thurner syndrome who undergo a procedure to restore blood circulation are able to live and work as before after a brief recovery.”

Boebert is expected to make a full recovery, according to his campaign.

New York Post

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