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Chris Sununu insists ‘me and 51% of America’ support Trump no matter what in fiery exchange with George Stephanopoulos

ABC anchor Georges Stephanopoulos Grilled New Hampshire Governor. Chris Sununu on “This Week” for 9 hot and tense minutes following the latter’s prior insistence that Donald Trump drop out of the presidential race if convicted of federal charges, while Sununu also supported Nikki Haley in the primaries. Sununu sang a different tune Sunday morning and told the host, “Me and 51 percent of America” ​​will support Trump as the GOP nominee no matter what.

This admission came near the end of the interview, when Stephanopoulos summed up the exchange accurately. He said, “So, to summarize, you would support him for president, even if he is convicted in classified documents, you would support him for president, even if you think he contributed to an insurrection.” »

“You support him for president, even if you think he’s lying about the last election, you support him for president, even if he’s convicted in the Manhattan case,” Stephanopoulos continued. “I just want to say the answer to that question is ‘yes,’ right?”

Sununu’s affirmative response was no surprise at this point, as the build-up to the climactic question was tense and direct. After Stephanopoulos reminded the governor of his previous assertion that “domestic terrorists who attacked the United States Capitol must be held accountable and prosecuted,” he asked if Sununu still stood by that statement.

“One hundred percent, of course, they have to be prosecuted, and they are prosecuted,” Sununu responded. “That’s good. I think actually his actions absolutely contributed to it. There’s no doubt about that.

“I hate the denial of the 2020 election,” the governor added. “Nobody wants to talk about this in 2024. I think the whole thing was absolutely terrible, but what people are going to vote for, what I want, why I support not only the president but a Republican administration, it’s is this. What is it. They want a culture change in Washington.

After Sununu embarked on the anti-woke path in Washington, Stephanopoulos reoriented himself to the point in question. He said: “Your words were very, very clear on January 11. You said President Trump’s rhetoric and actions contributed to the insurrection. No other president in American history has contributed to an insurrection. So please explain, given that you believe he contributed to an insurrection, how can you say we should bring him back into the Oval Office?

Sununu was quick to respond and admitted that for him, Trump was not the main story. He explained: “It’s not, because for me it’s not so much about him. It’s about having a Republican administration, Republican secretaries, Republican rules, a sense where states’ rights come first, individual rights come first, parents’ rights come first.”

Later in the exchange, Sununu accused Stephanopoulos of being stuck in a “New York bubble” that prevents him from understanding what most Americans want from their leadership.

“It’s not just about supporting Trump. It’s getting rid of what we have today. It’s about understanding that inflation crushes families. It is understood that this border issue is not a Texas issue,” Sununu continued. “This is a 50-state problem that needs to be brought under control. This is the type of elitism that the average American has had enough of, and it’s a culture shift. This is what I support.

Sununu added that the Jan. 6 insurrection is not a “major issue” for voters.

Watch the interview with Governor Chris Sununu in the video above.

Post Chris Sununu insists ‘me and 51% of America’ support Trump no matter what in fiery exchange with George Stephanopoulos | The video appeared first on TheWrap.


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