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China: industrial production in March +4.5% year-on-year (expected +5.4%) Retail sales +3.1% (4.5% expected)

China’s key economic indicators for March 2024. Lots of hiccups here, but not a good report.

Urban unemployment rate 5.2%

  • expected 5.2%, before 5.3%

Real estate investment since the beginning of the year -9.5% year-on-year

  • expected -9.2%, before -9.0%

Residential property sales since the beginning of the year -30.7% year-on-year

Industrial production since the start of the year +6.1% year-on-year

  • expected 6.0%, before 7.0%

Retail sales since the start of the year +4.70% year-on-year

A press conference from the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) will follow soon.


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