Chicagoans react to Surgeon General’s statement on gun violence – NBC Chicago

For the first time in history, the nation’s top doctor in the U.S. Surgeon General’s office declares gun violence a public health crisis in the United States, leaving Chicago activists to respond to the new.

“Our children should not have to live in fear of being shot if they go to school,” said Dr. Vivek Murthy. “None of us should have to worry that going to the mall, a concert or a place of worship means putting our lives at risk.”

Murthy warned Americans about the growing problem and outlined the approach to combatting gun violence across the country.

“This includes implementing community-based violence prevention programs and firearm-related harm reduction strategies, as well as improving access to mental health care for those exposed to or at risk of gun violence,” he said.

Pastor Corey Brooks of New Beginnings Church on Chicago’s South Side contributed to this statement.

“This is without a doubt a public health crisis,” Brooks said. “Look, we can’t do anything when there’s violence. You can’t have sustainable businesses; you can’t let a family that lives in a community want to make that community a safe place because they’re going to continue to move and move away, as we see every day in Chicago.

The pastor said his congregation is working to address the problem by offering 24-hour services and resources, including a camp for 300 teens this summer.

“It’s our biggest group this summer and they’re excited to have a place to go where they’re safe to be able to play and be kids,” he said.

Since Father’s Day, Chicago police figures show 28 children and teenagers have been shot in the city. Brooks says he’s trying to address the root causes of violence and thinks a new community center in his neighborhood is the answer.

“We need to make sure every child in the city has a safe place and when we do that, the city will be a much better place,” he said. “People will be able to live their lives and, above all, young people will be able to grow and reach their full potential. »

Brooks gave NBC Chicago a tour of the 90,000-square-foot facility that is still under construction. The goal is to open next summer.

“$5 million gets us where we need to be,” he said.

Renderings provided show a state-of-the-art center with classrooms, a movie theater, a swimming pool, basketball courts and more serving young people.

“We want them to be able to have all the activities that young people should be able to have, regardless of where they live,” he said.

The pastor told NBC Chicago that additional funds were needed and that he knew that ultimately the Woodlawn facility could help save a life.

“We’re going to do our part and we’re going to work hard,” he said. “We’re going to make Woodlawn in Chicago a safe place and we’re going to do it with a lot of unity and a lot of love.”

NBC Chicago

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