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World News

Chicago officer accused of sexual misconduct while on duty

CHICAGO — A Chicago police officer has been accused of sexual misconduct while on duty.

Stephan Shaw, 32, appeared in court on Tuesday.

Prosecutors say he inappropriately touched a woman who had been arrested for shoplifting on Michigan Avenue while she was in custody at the 18th District police station in May 2023.

According to court documents, Shaw approached the holding cell several times and “asked a series of sexual questions and made sexual comments.” He is also accused of touching her inappropriately while she was handcuffed and forcing her to touch him.

Previous coverage: Woman claims CPD officer sexually assaulted her at police station, COPA investigates

The woman filed a complaint in July 2023.

Shaw’s charges follow an investigation by the Office of Internal Affairs and the Civilian Office of Police Accountability.

Read more: Latest Chicago News Headline

He was relieved of his duties.

He is due to appear in court again later this month.

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