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Chicago Fire’s Eamonn Walker leaves after 12 seasons

“If you told me when I started that Sylvie would end up with Casey,” Kilmer said in a promotional video at the time, “I would say, ‘Absolutely not, that would be so cool.'”

In March, new arrival Rome Flynn announced his departure after six episodes, with his firefighter character Derek Gibson seeking treatment for drug addiction.

“Like all fans, I was sad to see Gibson go,” he said. Variety. “It was a character that I really enjoyed playing. I had a wonderful experience during my time on the Chicago fire and I have great respect for the cast and crew and hope to team up with Wolf Cock again when the time is right. »

the Chicago fire has been renewed for a 13th season, although no premiere date has been announced.

To find out when your favorite shows will return, keep reading.


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