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ChatGPT-4o Advanced Voice Features – OpenAI Just Revealed Their Arrival

Some somewhat sad news emerged from OpenAI on Tuesday evening after the AI ​​lab confirmed that it was delaying the launch of its highly anticipated and much-hyped ChatGPT advanced voice mode.

First introduced during the company’s Spring Update, the plan was to allow a small group of ChatGPT Plus users to have early access to the new features in late June so they could test and provide feedback to OpenAI.

However, this plan needs fine-tuning as OpenAI said it needs one more month to reach its “launch bar.” This includes ensuring it meets security requirements and that even the most complex queries are answered in real time.

It appears that security issues emerged during testing, as the company stated on X, using the extra time to improve the model’s ability to detect and reject certain content. He also added that it is working on improving the user experience and evolving its systems to be able to maintain real-time responses.

While some users are “expected” to get access next month, most people with a free or even paid ChatGPT account will be waiting a few months. This has led some to choose to cancel ChatGPT Plus until the new mode launches.

“Closer than ever” to natural conversations with AI

The company said the precise timeline depends on meeting its high safety and reliability requirements. OpenAI says it will rely on previous groups to gather feedback and adjust ChatGPT as needed.

This only applies to voice. Work is also still underway on ChatGPT’s new video and screen sharing capabilities, also revealed during the spring update and in subsequent teaser videos.

OpenAI said it would release further updates to its timeline regarding video and screen sharing capabilities in the future, but gave no specific details.

The company also highlighted some of the benefits of its new voice mode, writing: “ChatGPT’s advanced voice mode can understand and respond with emotions and non-verbal cues, bringing us closer to natural, real-time conversations with AI . Our mission is to bring you these new experiences in a thoughtful way.

Users are not happy with the new delay

Some users were unhappy with the delay. People on Reddit shared that they felt “played” and others claimed to have canceled their subscription to the paid version of ChatGPT. They said they only signed up because they were excited to be among the first to try these new features, but it appears this will be a closed group.

Others took to causing endless delays.

OpenAI introduced back-and-forth chat capabilities to ChatGPT in 2023, but GPT-4o’s advanced voice tools were intended to add even more expression into the AI’s responses while also allowing it to understand the way you speak. talk.

Indeed, GPT-4o is natively capable of understanding speech and responding directly with speech. The previous version was converted to text first, which caused delays and made the conversation more jarring.

The news about the delay of these new voice features comes a month after OpenAI suspended its “Sky” voice in ChatGPT after actress Scarlett Johansson accused the company of copying her voice. OpenAI denies using its voice.

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