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Charlamagne tha God blasts DEI during ‘The Daily Show’ monologue

Comedian Charlamagne tha God called DEI “mostly garbage” and insisted it was “just corporate PR” while hosting “The Daily Show” on Wednesday.

The TV personality called diversity, equity and inclusion programs ineffective during a monologue mocking the initiatives many companies and organizations adopted in 2020 after the killing of George Floyd.

“The truth about DEI is that, even though it is well-intentioned, it is just hogwash. ALL RIGHT? It’s a bit like The Little Black Mermaid,” he said. “Just because racists hate it doesn’t mean it’s good.

“And you know I’m right because every single one of you has been to one of these diversity training sessions and said to yourself: This is bullshit.”

During his appearance on “The Daily Show,” Charlamagne tha God called DEI “mostly garbage.” The Daily Show/X

“The Breakfast Club” co-host then said that more than 900 studies have indicated that DEI programs do not improve working conditions for minorities, while noting that the number of Black people in power at big companies remains unchanged from five years ago.

“I’m not surprised these programs didn’t work and here’s why: It’s just corporate PR,” he said. “They want good vibes.”

“Real DEI will only come from Black leaders,” he continued.

The monologue received praise from some, including billionaire Elon Musk who shared X-rated images from “The Daily Show” and raised hands emoji.

Charlamagne has never shied away from sharing his thoughts on various issues and has criticized both President Biden and former President Donald Trump.

The TV personality called diversity, equity and inclusion programs ineffective during a monologue mocking the initiatives many companies and organizations adopted in 2020. The Daily Show/X
Charlamagne has never shied away from sharing his thoughts on various issues and has criticized both President Biden and former President Donald Trump. The Daily Show/X

He called Trump a threat to democracy last month in an ABC News interview while describing Biden as an “uninspiring candidate.”

Charlamagne also said in December that Biden should step down so another Democrat could run for president.

New York Post

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