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Celebrity morning routines are often unrealistic, experts say. Try these 4 simple steps instead.

Bella Hadid raised eyebrows last month after sharing her elaborate morning routine on TikTok, which included a handful of pills, tinctures, green juice, sea moss gel and other “detox” drinks. Other celebrities offer their own multi-step self-care rituals to start the day. Should this be a model for the rest of us?

Not at all, experts say. Instead, they suggest people focus on a few steps that are accessible to them – and not aim for perfection either.

“This morning routine isn’t realistic for most women and is simply unhelpful for your health. If that’s what works for her, great, but it’s probably not what most people need. need to start their day Plus, where’s the food for breakfast?” Laura Ligos, a registered dietitian nutritionist, told CBS News, adding that when it comes to seemingly perfect morning routines, “they are so often unrealistic.”

Another example is Jennifer Aniston’s morning routine, which involves waking up at 4:30 a.m. on work days, drinking a cup of hot water with lemon, skin care, meditation, a smoothie, and a workout. workout, according to an interview with Well+Good. .

Gwyneth Paltrow starts her day by scratching her tongue, Oil extraction20 minutes of transcendental meditation, a workout, dry brushing and celery juice, Vogue reported.

“Again, this all sounds great. But is it realistic for everyone? No. Is it necessary for everyone? No, either,” says Amanda Holtzer, a registered dietitian based in New Jersey.

Here are four accessible, expert-recommended steps to try:

1. Avoid your cell phone

Ligos says ditching your phone in the morning is a simple way to start your day off right.

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, previously told CBS News that it might help to stop using your phone as an alarm.

“So you wake up, you turn off your alarm and then rather than getting out of bed, you lie there and you start scrolling. And it’s like, well, I don’t really want to get up yet , and then before you know it, 10, 15, 20 minutes have passed,” he said. “So I think one solution to this problem is to charge your phone in a different room every day rather than keeping it next to you.”

2. Hydrate yourself

Both Holtzer and Ligos say to replenish your body with a glass of water when you wake up. Ligos also suggests having a drink before your morning coffee or tea.

3. Take time for yourself

This can be customized based on your goals, says Holtzer.

“I recommend everyone take a moment to think about what they want from their morning routine,” she says. “Ask yourself: How much time do I have in the morning to spend on myself? What responsibilities do I absolutely need to check off my list each morning?”

Are you focusing on fitness? Allow time for a quick workout. Want to de-stress? Incorporate meditation, suggests Holtzer. How about a natural boost? A little morning sun or a lamp that imitates daylight can help, Ligos says.

Clear says that taking on simple, achievable tasks, like making your bed, can also help you build momentum for the rest of your day. This helps start a “positive flow,” he says, helping you move on to the more difficult tasks ahead.

4. Fuel your body

A healthy, hearty and protein-rich breakfast is another important step for fill the tank for the rest of your day, say Ligos and Holtzer.

“Certainly, if you need to take (medication or) supplements, do so, but you don’t take them just because a celebrity or influencer asks you to,” adds Ligos.

“Perfection does not exist”

While it’s normal to be curious about the lives and routines of our favorite celebrities, be mindful when watching them.

“What works for them probably won’t work for us, and that’s okay!” Ligos said. “I hope no one compares themselves to (a) celebrity who has a lot more resources and disposable income.”

You don’t have to be perfect in your own routine either.

“You don’t have to follow every step of a morning routine to set yourself up for a healthy, positive day,” says Holtzer. “It’s okay if some days you skip training or forget to meditate. … Perfection is non-existent and a ‘perfect’ morning routine shouldn’t be the goal.”

6-Year-Old’s Morning Routine Goes Viral



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