
What your body tries to tell you when you are waving: NPR

If you can't stop shaking your knee, don't try to stop. "Kiss The Fidget", explains Katy Bowman, biomecanist and author…

1 month ago

That knowing about polio vaccines, in 4 graphics

Cnn - While Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the choice of President Donald Trump to lead the United States Ministry of…

1 month ago

Weight loss drugs and their less known side effects on relationships

When Jeanne began to seriously consider taking Zepbound, one of the new generation weight loss drugs, she was the shortest…

1 month ago

11 Advice for a happy and healthy month

We are in February, and we do not need a marmot cake (or, a "revelation of the weather") to tell…

1 month ago

‘It was over before you know’

Erica Donelly, Jessica Tse, Jack LathamThe BBC spoke to six people - including Erica, Jessica and Jack - who have…

1 month ago

How could soft drinks lead to type 2 diabetes?

Soda consumption could cause type 2 diabetes by affecting the intestinal microbiome. Image credit: Dobránska Renáta / Stocksy.Decades of evidence…

1 month ago

Researchers have just discovered a whole new class of life living inside humans

The human body is an incredible, curious and disgusting thing. At any time, millions of tiny life forms cross your…

1 month ago

Sanford Girl gets new lungs as organ donations, transplants are increasing in Maine

Emily King, eight, who had two double pulmonary transplants, runs to his brother Parker, 13, while playing in the courtyard…

1 month ago

Uganda Ebola Embesssive: Who says that 6 patient contacts are sick

The head of the health emergency program of the World Health Organization said on Saturday that six people who were…

1 month ago

Most people with diabetes are deficient in this vitamin

More than 38 million Americans suffer from diabetes and between 90% and 95% of them suffer from type 2 diabetes.…

1 month ago