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World News

Canadian teenager says he was fined $580 at McDonald’s drive-thru for using an app; police conflict

An 18-year-old said he was fined $580 for opening the McDonald’s app at a drive-thru in Canada, but police denied his claim.

Mason Prima pulled out his phone Monday at a McDonald’s drive-thru in Saskatoon so he could redeem a free meal using points through the fast food chain’s app, according to Canadian station CTV News. Shortly after, a police officer on a motorcycle drove up to his window.

“I’m barely moving. I open my app and I look in the rearview mirror and there’s a police officer on a motorcycle behind me,” Prima told CTV News. “I thought he was going to let me go because I was just trying to get a free lunch, but no, it turns out to be a very expensive lunch.”

Prima said he only received one speeding ticket after driving for two and a half years, the station reported. He added that he keeps his phone out of reach when driving to ensure he doesn’t get distracted.

“I was a little shocked to be honest. I’ve never had this before. I open my app every time I go to the drive-thru and I’ve never had this problem,” he said. -he declares.

Police say he broke the law before the drive-thru

Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Saskatchewan dispute Prima’s version that the teen broke the law before reaching the drive-thru.

“The individual was observed driving on a public road while using a cell phone. So not in the drive-thru lane,” spokesperson Keely Grasser told USA TODAY on Friday.

The driver pulled into the McDonald’s parking lot where he was issued a traffic violation after allegedly using his cell phone on a public road, Grasser said.

Prima strongly contests the ticket and said he is prepared to fight it in court on the date set for July 31, CTV News reported.

Fines for distracted driving in Canada and the United States

Saskatchewan drivers who are caught distracted behind the wheel can face a $580 fine and four demerit points on the first offense. For a second and third offense, the fine increases to $1,400 and $2,100 respectively, accompanied by immediate seizure of the vehicle within seven days upon conviction.

In the United States, fines for texting while driving can range from $25 for a first offense to more than $1,000 for subsequent offenses, depending on severity.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Teen says he faced $580 fine at McDonald’s drive-thru for using app.


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