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Can you eat cicadas? Yes, but those with seafood allergies may want to stay away – NBC Chicago

Much of the United States is in a cicada frenzy as billions of the noisy but harmless insects emerge from the ground.

Illinois is at the center of all this, as it is one of two states experiencing a rare double brood emergence.

While some people try to avoid cicadas at all costs, others seek them out, but not because they want to see the insects or hear what they look like.

Some people eat cicadas.

Cicadas are high in protein and low in fat, making them a desirable snack option for those who don’t mind eating insects. And yes, they are safe to eat for most people.

But that’s not the case for everyone, such as children, pregnant people and those with a certain seafood allergy, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

People with shellfish allergies should avoid consuming these crunchy little creatures, doctors said.

That’s because cicadas and shellfish actually contain the same protein, explained Dr. Sindhura Bandi, an allergy and immunology specialist at Rush University Medical Center.

Tropomyosin, a muscle protein, is the main allergen in shellfish such as shrimp, crab or lobster.

The protein is not only found in cicadas, but also in other insects like crickets, fruit flies and grasshoppers.

Whether ingesting a cicada or eating shellfish, a person with a history of seafood allergies could react in exactly the same way, Bandi said. Doctors strongly advise against eating cicadas if you are allergic to shellfish. But if you choose and start experiencing an allergic reaction, they recommend that you seek medical attention immediately.

However, people with seafood allergies don’t need to stay away from cicadas completely.

Don’t eat them, Bandi said.

“In terms of touch, there is actually no risk of touching the cicadas, of coming into contact with them, of being in the air where they are. Because the shell or the exoskeleton of the cicada doesn’t have that tropomyosin or mussel,” she says. explain.

If you ingest a cicada and start developing allergy symptoms, you might be allergic to shellfish without knowing it. While some food allergies, such as those to peanut butter, develop early in life, this is not the case for shellfish.

“(It’s) actually the most common allergen that develops in adulthood,” Bandi said. “So we’re definitely seeing a prevalence of not only seafood allergies in general, but also seafood allergies appearing in adults.”

If you start experiencing any of the following symptoms within minutes or hours after ingesting cicadas, you may have an allergic reaction.

  • Hive or welt type rash
  • Swelling of the lips, eyelids, or tongue
  • Difficulty breathing or wheezing
  • Immediate vomiting or diarrhea

If any of the symptoms mentioned above appear, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional. If you have an EpiPen on hand, it will likely help relieve symptoms in the meantime.

NBC Chicago

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