Can I ignore emails from my boss sent over the weekend?

My boss regularly emails me on weekends. There’s nothing urgent that can’t wait until Monday, and while she doesn’t explicitly say she expects an immediate response, I feel the pressure to do so, but it takes up my personal time. Should I wait until Monday to respond and hope she gets the message, respond without saying anything, or ask if it can wait?

Many leaders have started proactively adding a disclaimer to their “after hours” emails indicating that this is an opportune time to catch up, but that we do not expect the recipient to respond at that time.

If a boss expects employees to send emails regularly while on vacation, this should be understood from the start so employees can choose to opt out of their work. If it is a new trend, direct communication is necessary.

Occasional interactions outside of business hours, when there is a business necessity, are to be expected as part of any job, and for some positions, particularly at senior levels, after-hours catch-up is normal and can actually help strengthen relationships, as long as it doesn’t interfere. with regular personal time. Talk to your boss about expectations so you’re not stressed about what you need to do.

I was supposed to do a Zoom interview for a job and the interviewer didn’t show up. I tried to contact the company and got no response so left after 20 minutes. Apparently the interviewer showed up 10 minutes later, blamed me for not waiting, and now they won’t reschedule. Is it right? What should I have done?

I wouldn’t be upset and would reschedule, but your actions were not ones I would recommend.

If your interview was scheduled for a specific duration – say 30, 45 or 60 minutes – then you should stay in touch for that duration while also trying to reach the employer. You don’t have to look at the camera screen all the time: go about your business during the scheduled interview time, because you never know.

I think the potential employer is being firm about not rescheduling, but perhaps that’s a sign of the type of employer they are.

Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a human resources director. Listen to Greg Wed. at 9:35 a.m. on iHeartRadio 710 WOR with Len Berman and Michael Riedel. Email: Follow: and on Twitter: @GregGiangrande

New York Post

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