California is making fentanyl test strips free to organizations. How to get a kit

In an effort to slow the proliferation of synthetic opioid-related deaths, California will begin offering free fentanyl test strips to eligible organizations across the state that request them, the Department of Health Services announced Thursday. the state.

The tests will be made available through the state’s Naloxone Distribution Project, a network of organizations that ships free naloxone (usually sold under the brand name Narcan) – a drug that quickly reverses an opioid overdose – to first responders, schools and harm reduction organizations. , tribal entities and public health agencies. The project is funded by state general funds and legal settlements.

“Fentanyl test strips can be a useful addition to proven harm reduction strategies, such as never using alone and always carrying naloxone,” said Pike Long, a harm reduction specialist with the Department of the state’s public health services, in a press release.

There are two types of fentanyl: pharmaceutical fentanyl and illegally manufactured fentanyl. The latter is distributed in illegal drug markets due to its heroin-like effect and is often sold in the form of counterfeit pills. It can also be up to 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine.

The state’s most recent public health data shows 6,473 deaths were linked to fentanyl overdoses in 2022 and more than 21,000 emergency room visits were linked to any type of opioid-related overdose.

With Thursday’s announcement, the Naloxone Distribution Project list of eligible entities can now request an online supply of fentanyl test kits including a scoop, the fentanyl test strip, a water bag and testing instructions .

The all-in-one fentanyl test strip kits also reduce errors in fentanyl drug testing by including clear markings on the water bag to prevent under or over dilution, as well as a guide for results for test comparison.

Where to get test strips

Los Angeles LGBTQ Center
The center provides free fentanyl test strips to those who request them. He also offers free or low-cost, comprehensive, non-judgmental drug rehab services. For more information, email or call (323) 993-7448.

APLA Health
APLA Health has several locations throughout Los Angeles County that offer test strips, including in Koreatown, two locations in Baldwin Hills, Mid-Wilshire, Downtown Los Angeles and Long Beach. It also offers treatments that can help reduce or eliminate behaviors that maintain addiction and substance use. For more information, call (323) 215-1725 or visit

The nonprofit Team Awareness Combating Overdose offers 1-cent test strip pickup and delivery options on college campuses, including UC Berkeley, USC, UCLA and UC Santa Barbara. TACO partners with delivery apps Duffl and Handle. Or you can get tested at a location listed on TACO’s website.

Stopping overdose
The organization provides training and tools to treat people who overdose and prevent death through education, medical intervention and public awareness. It sells packages of five fentanyl test strips online for $7.99. Each package comes with a QR sticker which, when scanned, leads to instructions on how to use the test strips.

County Health clinics
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health operates 14 health centers that provide free and low-cost services to people without insurance or a regular health care provider. The department has a list of its health clinics and encourages people to visit their local clinic to get free fentanyl test strips.

Overdose Engagement and Prevention Centers
The centers are syringe service providers contracted by Los Angeles County that offer harm reduction services, peer education, and peer support services. There is an online calendar of sites that distribute fentanyl test strips.

How to use fentanyl test strips?

If you have a medication that was not legitimately prescribed and provided by medical professionals, use a test strip before ingestion to check if it contains fentanyl.

According to TACO, different types of medications require different preparations for better testing accuracy:

  • Powders: Shake and mix thoroughly in the bag the medicine came in. All pieces must be broken.
  • Crystals: Reduce to a fine powder and mix well.
  • Pills: Reduce to a fine powder and mix well.

Next, mix together about a spoonful of water and a small amount of medicine (TACO suggests using a sample the size of a strawberry seed). Place the test strip in the mixture, holding it by the solid blue end and inserting it no further than the thick blue “MAX” line. The number of seconds it takes to complete the test varies, so follow the instructions on the kit or the instructions given to you by the organization providing the strip.

A single colored line is a positive result, which means fentanyl is present and you should not use the drug. A double-colored line is a negative result.

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