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Brittany Cartwright Claps Back at Body-Shaming Comments

“I never did any work, but I went through a phase when I was smoking weed where I was really obsessed with getting injections in my face,” the “Born This Way” singer told the radio host. Howard Stern in 2013. “I used to go to this mall in Chicago in the back… Everyone was like, ‘You’re a crazy piece of work.’… I tell you, I wasn’t exactly in the best place state of mind, and I was smoking a bunch of joints and having a few drinks and I was like, “Oh, let’s go see my girlfriend” and we were driving to this mall and I was getting shot with a bunch anything, Juvéderm, and then go.”

She continued, “Now it’s all gone. Before we shot the ‘Applause’ video, (a photographer friend) was like, ‘Gaga, I love you but if you don’t stop injecting shit into yourself face, I love you. I’m just going to kill you.'”


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