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Breton takes victory lap after killing von der Leyen’s business envoy pick – POLITICO

The French commissioner was at the forefront of an internal European Commission rebellion against von der Leyen, after the EU appointed a German party allied with the Commission chief to a senior business position .

Breton added ironically Tuesday morning, he hoped that “this important position for SMEs will be filled as quickly as possible”.

The revolt against von der Leyen, led by Breton and three other EU commissioners, erupted last week as the European election campaign intensifies. Breton, a liberal ally of French President Emmanuel Macron, has repeatedly taken shots at his boss von der Leyen, a German conservative, in recent weeks.

MEP Markus Pieper decided to step down from his role as SME envoy hours before taking office. Although he had already signed the contract, Pieper changed his mind following significant resistance from the Commission and the European Parliament. During the selection process, two other candidates shortlisted for the position – both women – reportedly received higher test scores.

European lawmakers and commissioners from von der Leyen’s leadership team criticized her for what they said was engaging in party politics with the appointment.

Pieper, who like von der Leyen belongs to Germany’s Christian Democratic Union, criticized Breton in an interview Monday with German newspaper Handelsblatt in which he announced he was stepping down from his post.

Pieper said Breton’s questioning of the selection process was inappropriate and purely politically motivated.

“I successfully passed a very demanding selection procedure. But the fact that Commissioner Breton, who has until now dealt with SMEs and the reduction of administrative formalities, is now questioning the procedure is bad form,” lamented Pieper.


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