
Black and white photography helped save my Nikon D800 from the scrapheap!

Ever since the first color film cartridge rolled off the production line, people have wondered whether black and white is more timeless than color. If you had asked me that question ten years ago, when I was immersed in several of the best Nikon cameras of the day and shooting only in color, I would have answered, “Of course not, we all see in color.”

But now that I’m a little older, and maybe wiser? I’ve fallen in love with black and white photography for its “timeless look” and it gives something different in a world full of color. I now shoot 95% of my work in black and white. Through this process, I was able to save my best DSLR in my kit, the Nikon D800, from being scrapped and it has become a camera that I really enjoy using again.

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