
Big new PS5 and PC shooter Concord has an uphill battle ahead

But the online reaction to the release’s big reveal was brutal, to say the least. Many point to YouTube’s dislike bar, which is extremely negative – although we understand that this data is not entirely accurate these days and is extrapolated from the interactions of those who have installed a browser extension. Still, you’re looking at about 80 percent downvotes.

The comments on YouTube are even more mind-blowing. “The game has aged like milk and it’s not even out yet,” one user wrote in response to the gameplay reveal. Another added: “A week after this game was released: We are sorry that this game did not meet your expectations. Six months later: stop. This is an incredibly harsh thing, but such perceptions tend to persist.

The good news for Sony and Firewalk is that a beta is just around the corner and all it will take is some great gameplay to turn things around. It’s also worth remembering that if you asked someone five months ago if Helldivers 2 would be a success, they’d probably say no. It has since surpassed Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and become the best-selling PS Studios title in history.


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