Biden’s new Title IX rules prove it’s time for the DOE to be DOA

Biological males in girls’ bathrooms and dorms?

Any penalties for not using someone’s preferred pronouns?

Bring back the kangaroo courts for your sons, brothers and fathers?

These are just some of the new Title IX rules that were dictated to you by the unelected and unaccountable Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education, which released them at 5 a.m. Friday — right in the middle of spring school break, when his radical-left apparatchiks knew that almost no one would be watching them.

Three years in the making, the new rules fulfill President Biden’s campaign promise to “swiftly end” the limited protections introduced by Trump administration Education Secretary Betsy DeVos in 2020.

The process was overseen by Deputy Secretary of Education Catherine Lhamon, a radical feminist lawyer who served in the same position under President Barack Obama.

At that time, Obama tasked Biden, then vice president, with managing a grotesque expansion of Title IX to create vast campus bureaucracies charged with policing sexual language, behavior and initiatives and destroying 1,000 years of jurisprudence Anglo-Saxon.

Initiated in 2011, this expansion of Title IX has resulted in hundreds of lawsuits filed almost entirely by male respondents alleging unlawful discrimination, defamation, breach of contract and other torts.

Most have resulted in significant settlements or judgments against our already failing institutions.

According to an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, the left-leaning professional journal of academia, Title IX “coordinators” – DEI bureaucrats hired at above-average salaries to run campus sexual Gestapos – report high rates of well-deserved stress, ostracism and burnout.

In some surveys, as many as 91 percent of Americans, including even liberal luminaries like the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, think Title IX then went too far. (Even Obama, criticizing woke and cancel culture in 2019, said, “The world is messy; there are ambiguities.”)

But it’s back – with a vengeance.

DeVos, whose reforms were far from comprehensive in restoring basic rights to defendants on campus, called Biden’s overhaul a “radical rewrite” that “destroys the half-century of protections and opportunities for women” and “an effort born entirely of progressive politics.” This is not good policy.

The big news is that Biden’s Title IX rules expand the definition of “sex” for the first time to include sexual orientation and transgender identity.

These factors were never considered in the original civil rights legislation decades ago or at any time since, but their inclusion is meant to align Department of Education dictates with a Supreme Court decision of 2020 that sexual orientation and gender identity are protected characteristics under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Biden team had planned to go further and ban transgender students from playing on opposite-sex sports teams at school, but that fell through – it’s a very unpopular position that could endangering the larger project as well as Biden’s difficulties. candidacy for re-election. It will likely be resurrected if the president wins a second term.

Equally harmful, the rules restore Obama-era restrictions on access to counsel, evidence, cross-examination, hearings and other time-honored protections for the accused, whose guilt or innocence must in most cases be determined by a sneaky “preponderance of the accused”. standard of proof.”

If that seems unfair, remember that all of this is brought to you by a notoriously wasteful $79 billion bureaucracy employing over 4,400 feds whose mission in life is to control what and how your children learn – whether you like it or not and without any constitutional basis. .

Since the creation of the Ministry of Education in 1980, its record has been a 44-year cavalcade of failures, reducing the world’s number one education system – which had done very well for more than two centuries – to a embarrassing 33rd place among those finishing their studies. Higher Education.

Our math and reading scores are simply in the middle among developed countries.

Today, the Department of Education wants to re-empower an army of perverts and ideologues to strip our educational communities of their basic rights and impose radical gender ideology on your children – all while you pay for that.

The time for abolition has come.

Paul du Quenoy is president of the Palm Beach Freedom Institute.

New York Post

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