Biden is not ‘capable’ of being commander in chief

North Dakota Republican Gov. Doug Burgum, who is widely considered to be on former President Donald Trump’s short list of running mates, said Sunday that President Joe Biden is “not capable of serving” as commander in chief.

“Biden…you know, is not capable of serving right now,” Burgum told NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” days after Biden and Trump met for the first presidential debate of the electoral cycle.

“All of America saw it,” Burgum said, adding that “our adversaries saw it.” Putin saw it. Xi saw it. The Ayatollah saw it. I mean, the nation – we keep talking about elections, we face a greater national security risk today than we did on Thursday because the commander in chief has shown he is not capable of serving . »

Burgum’s comments come after days of Democrats scrambling to make a point about Biden’s admittedly lackluster performance in the debate, which some in his party called “talkative” and “raucous.”

The governor also responded to questions from moderator Kristen Welker about whether he had spoken to Trump about joining him on the vice presidential running list.

“That would be between the president and me,” Burgum responded, going further than before by acknowledging that he had spoken to Trump about the possibility of becoming his vice president.

NBC News reported this month that Burgum remains on Trump’s short list of potential nominees, joining Republican Sens. Marco Rubio and J.D. Vance.

The governor was also asked whether Trump would accept the results of the upcoming election, regardless of who wins.

During the debate, the former president said he would accept the results if “the elections are fair, legal and good – absolutely.”

“I would have much preferred to accept (the results of the 2020 election),” he added, before making unfounded claims that there was voter fraud in the 2020 election.

On Sunday, Burgum echoed Trump, saying Trump would accept the results of the presidential election if “it were free, fair and secure.”

“All any of us, whether you’re an independent, a Democrat or a Republican, expect is that the elections we have in North Dakota are not contested, because we have secure elections, and I think that’s what we need across this country,” Burgum added.

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