Biden ignores SIX official requests regarding foiled terrorist attack on migrants

Republican lawmakers have filed at least six requests for information from President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security seeking information that could enlighten the American public about a Jordanian border crosser’s May 3 attempted attack on the base from Quantico Marine Corps in northern Virginia.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas put each of them to the test.

The border worker was one of two Jordanians pretending to be Amazon delivery men who drove a large truck up to the base’s front gate, then hit the accelerator when they were diverted for investigation despite stop orders.

Navy sentries pressed a button that deployed obstacles in the road, thwarting the attack on the Virginia base, then arrested the two men and handed them over to immigration agents.

Traffic passes the entrance sign to Marine Corps Base Quantico Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021, in Quantico, Virginia.
Republican lawmakers have filed at least six requests for information to President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security for information about an attempted attack on a Quantico Marine Corps base on May 3. P.A.

Rep. Mark Green, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, who sent a request for information with a long-standing deadline of June 6, appeared to suggest that subpoenas could be forthcoming, as did at least one other member of Congress.

“It’s no surprise that Secretary Mayorkas and other top Biden officials don’t want to tell us the truth about what happened at Quantico, but the fact is they have no choice” , Rep. Green told the New York Post exclusively. . “I am tired of seeing this administration block any investigation into its illegal, irresponsible and disastrous policies and decisions.

“We have given these departments ample opportunity to respond to our requests for documents to which we, and the people we represent, are entitled – and we will obtain them. It will be up to the Biden administration to decide whether they will be forced to provide them.

The committee’s May 23 letter to Mayorkas, as well as FBI Director Christopher Wray and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, asked simply to provide even the names of the two Jordanian attackers, one of whom would have crossed the southern border only a month earlier and the other had an overstayed student visa.

The committee then sought all records, text messages, internal memoranda and instructions that would reveal any motive behind the attack, as well as how the border crosser entered and was processed by DHS before the attack, and that which has happened to him since.

The DHS Office of Public Affairs did not respond to an emailed request for comment regarding the agency’s failure to respond to so many requests from lawmakers.

Other Republican lawmakers in the House and Senate also demanded timely answers on a terrorist motive and details about the Jordanian attackers, including a group of 12 led by Texas Rep. Chip Roy, the Judiciary Committee of the House and the office of Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin. The Biden administration also rejected Youngkin’s urgent request for information.

Senate lawmakers have also filed requests. Sen. Ted Budd returned one signed by 12 other senators. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina sent one on behalf of the Republican minority on the Senate Judiciary Committee, but with a deadline of “as soon as possible.”

Biden officials have parried not only those requests for information, but all media requests since the attack, even at a White House news conference, leaving the American public in the dark about what’s going on. ‘happened.

“DHS leaders have no interest in answering Congress’s questions about the terrorists, criminals and fentanyl pushers flooding our country because they don’t have any,” an angry Rep. Roy told the Post, two weeks after the deadline. . “So they ignore us because there are no consequences with a Congress determined to fund them.” »

The June 7 deadline set by the House Judiciary Committee also passed without an apparent response. A border state congressman who serves on the committee told the Post that the committee should next demand testimony.

“I think we need to invite them to answer questions publicly,” said Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.). “They don’t want this to be made public. But I want the answers. The American people must get the answers and Congress must get the answers. We need to understand how this happened, what their intentions were, so the public and law enforcement knows. Everyone needs to know this so they know how to best protect America.

Texas Republican Rep. Brian Babbin, another border state lawmaker who authored another ignored letter signed by eight other members seeking information on terrorist intelligence failures at the border, had heard nothing before the June 21 deadline.

“Biden spent three and a half years skimming the water — now the sharks are here,” a frustrated Babbin told the Post. “Biden is deliberately making possible the next 9/11-style attack on American soil. »

Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, is the author of “Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in US History.”

New York Post

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