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Biden campaign continues focus on abortion with new ad buy, Kamala Harris campaign stops in Philadelphia

President Biden’s campaign is launching a new seven-figure ad buy Thursday focused on abortion, a central issue of his campaign, as he attempts to tie the state’s restrictive abortion bans to the former president Donald Trump.

It will take place on the occasion of the second anniversary of the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion on the Dobbs case, which reversed Roe v. Wade and transferred decisions regarding abortion access to the states.

The campaign ad, titled “Continue,” first shared with CBS News, features a Texas obstetrician explaining how the state’s near-total ban on abortion, enacted after the Dobbs decision, has forced to flee the state for treatment.

“If Donald Trump is elected, it will be the end of women’s right to choose. There will be no other choice. We could lose our rights in every state, even those where abortion is currently legal.” , declares Austin Dennard in the American daily. announcement.

The ad begins with part of Mr. Trump’s interview with Time Magazine in which he said it should be up to states to decide whether to prosecute women who have abortions.

“The states are going to say it,” Trump told Time magazine in the interview published Tuesday, when asked if he was “comfortable” with states prosecuting women who have abortions. “It doesn’t matter whether I’m comfortable or not. It doesn’t matter because the states are going to make those decisions.”

In the interview, Trump also said he would allow states to monitor women’s pregnancies to see if they had an abortion.

The Biden campaign the ad starts airing one day later ban on abortion for six weeks came into force in Florida, as well as a repeal by the Arizona legislature of an 1864 law that would have enacted a near-total ban on abortion in that state. The ad will air in seven battleground states on various cable networks and will also air Saturday during the Kentucky Derby.

The objective of the advertisement highlights the continuous effort by the Biden campaign seeking to impose restrictive bans on Trump’s legacy by naming judges who helped overturn Roe v. Wade. Biden’s campaign has aired six other abortion-related TV spots, according to political ad tracking company AdImpact.

“He says he approves of states surveilling, prosecuting and punishing women who receive reproductive care,” Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said of Trump, adding that the campaign “will continue unabated to remind voters every day of what is very real and horrible.” issues for women in November if Trump gets his way. »

While the Biden campaign intends to mobilize voters through advertisements, Vice President Kamala Harris should continue his “Fight for Reproductive Freedoms” tour. CBS News has exclusively learned that Harris will make a May 6 campaign stop in Philadelphia focused on abortion access.

Harris has visited Pennsylvania twice this year, but this trip would mark the first time the vice president has addressed abortion in the Keystone State. His stop in Philadelphia comes after he visited Florida on Wednesday to discuss the state’s six-week abortion ban.

“Joe Biden and I have a different point of view,” Harris told Floridians. “We believe that no politician should ever come between a woman and a doctor.”

Throughout her tour, Harris blamed the abortion ban on Trump, calling him “the architect of this health care crisis.” Harris is warning her crowds that a second Trump term would be worse, saying he would sign a nationwide ban on abortion if elected in November.

Trump has shown support for a national bill banning abortion during his tenure in the White House, and as a candidate he suggested in an interview last month that he could potentially support a national ban on abortion for 15 weeks. But in recent weeks, he has questioned whether he would sign a national ban and said abortion access should be left to the states.

On Wednesday, he said in an interview with Fox 6 in Wisconsin that he was “not signing a national ban on abortion. That’s Democratic misinformation.”

According to the Guttmacher Institute, since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, 21 states have enacted either a near-total ban on abortion or a ban during the first 18 weeks of pregnancy.

A CBS News Battleground State Poll of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin showed that at least 60% of voters in each state were following the news regarding restrictive abortion bans in Arizona and Florida.

However, not all voters blame Trump for overturning Roe v. Wade. In Wisconsin, where current state law prohibits abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, 40 percent of respondents blamed Trump for overturning Roe v. Wade, according to the poll, while 44 percent gave him neither credit nor blame.

Voters in these three competitive states also ranked other issues, such as the economy, democracy and crime, as more important factors than abortion.

At a rally in Freeland, Michigan, on Wednesday, Trump touted the overturning of Roe v. Wade and said: “Many controversies have now been eliminated. »

“You’ve seen what’s happened over the last few months,” Trump said. “People come together and decide within their own state.”

“You have to fight for what is in your heart and what is the right thing to do, but remember, you also have to get elected,” he added in a message to other Republicans about their message on abortion.


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