
Best Game in Progress Winner, ‘Cyberpunk 2077,’ Completes Development

CDPR released one of its famous “here’s what we’re working on” charts, showing the company’s breakdown of different projects. And one thing is missing from the list: Cyberpunk 2077, which, for the first time in years before launch, has no people working on it. Development is officially complete after some minor post-Phantom Liberty fixes.

You can see the graph below, but the breakdown is as follows

  • The Witcher 4 (we probably won’t call it that) – 407 employees
  • Sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 – 56
  • Witcher Multiplayer Game – 39
  • New IP address – 20

CDPR said it now wants to develop its most important games simultaneously rather than focusing solely on one, causing gaping gaps between releases. However, one has to wonder with all the weight CDPR has behind the launch of Cyberpunk, released in the state it did, if this is viable. And these games, whether it’s The Witcher or Cyberpunk, are massive in the grand scheme of the industry.

Cyberpunk 2077’s halted development is just a little funny considering it just won Best Ongoing Game at The Game Awards in 2023. There have been debates about what constitutes an “ongoing” game , and I think it’s just a bad category. There are “live” games, like Fortnite or Genshin Impact, that continually add seasons and content indefinitely. But there are also “most improved” games that are working hard to change things with big patches, content drops, and expansions like Cyberpunk, even if they aren’t meant to live forever.

I think Cyberpunk should have won a few a sort of reward, but it was a difficult year. Phantom Liberty isn’t really a complete game, even though it’s the size of one, and it wasn’t a good fit for GOTY. Although Cyberpunk doesn’t really fit into the “in progress” category either. But he won because anyone who has played Cyberpunk in its current state would agree that it deserves to win. something.

As for The Witcher 4, we don’t know much about it except that it’s not really supposed to be The Witcher 4, a continuation of Geralt’s story, but rather focus on a new school and new characters (although I have to assume some old favorites will at least be guest stars). The Witcher 3 was released in 2015, so it will be over a decade before that sequel arrives, considering we’re still close to the start of production.

Whatever CDPR does next, I hope they’re in Cyberpunk 2023 mode and not Cyberpunk 2020 mode and produce the industry-best games we know they can make, given the right circumstances.

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