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Benediktsson to return as Iceland PM – POLITICO

Iceland’s Foreign Minister Bjarni Benediktsson will be the country’s next prime minister, replacing Katrin Jakobsdottir who resigned from her post last week to run for president.

Icelandic public broadcaster RÚV reported that Benediktsson became the country’s prime minister following a deal between the Independence Party, which he leads, the Progressive Party and the outgoing prime minister’s left-wing Greens.

He said he intended to ensure the new government was politically stable and cited disability issues, energy purchase and bills, inflation and immigration as key policy areas, according to xdis.

Benediktsson served as Iceland’s prime minister for 10 months, from January to November 2017. He also served as the country’s finance minister, but resigned last fall following an opinion by the parliamentary ombudsman that he was not qualified to manage the month of March 2022. sale of Íslandsbanki shares to private investors.

He took office as Minister of Foreign Affairs on October 14.


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