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Barron Trump will not be a delegate to the GOP convention after all

Barron Trump, the youngest son of former President Donald J. Trump who has stayed out of the spotlight since his father entered politics, will not be one of Florida’s delegates to the Republican National Convention, Melania Trump’s office announced Friday.

In a statement released two days after Barron, 18, was chosen as a delegate at large by the Republican Party of Florida, Mrs. Trump’s office said Barron was “honored” to be chosen but “declined with regret to participate due to previous commitments. »

The Trump campaign referred a request for comment to a spokeswoman for Mrs. Trump, who did not immediately respond to questions about what those commitments might be.

Barron, who will graduate from high school next week and plans to attend college in the fall, had virtually no involvement in his father’s political career.

Mrs. Trump has fiercely protected her son’s privacy, even though some of his older siblings have been in the spotlight, campaigning for their father during the Republican primary while he and Mrs. Trump were largely absent from Track.

Hours before Mrs. Trump’s office released its statement, Mr. Trump suggested in a radio interview that Barron, whom he called “handsome” and “tall,” was among his political advisers.

“He’s really an excellent student. And he loves politics,” Mr. Trump said on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT in Philadelphia. “It’s quite funny. He sometimes tells me, “Dad, this is what you have to do. »

Barron’s older brothers, Donald Jr. and Eric, campaigned for their father this year in the race for the Republican nomination, and both became popular political figures in their own right. Both, along with their sister Tiffany, were among 41 at-large delegates chosen by the Republican Party of Florida for the national convention in July. Another sister, Ivanka Trump, who has not participated in her father’s political adventures since leaving the White House, has not done so.

The Republican Party of Florida did not immediately respond to questions about how Barron was chosen as a delegate.

All four of Barron’s siblings gave speeches at party conventions in 2016 and 2020, when Barron was still a minor. The Trump campaign and Mrs. Trump’s office did not respond to questions about whether Barron would attend the 2024 convention one way or another, and Mr. Trump did not respond to them in his radio interview.

Mr. Trump has said for months that his wife would join him on the campaign trail, although she has remained absent from rallies, speeches and victory celebrations. She attended a fundraiser last month for the Log Cabin Republicans, a group of LGBT conservatives.

News Source : www.nytimes.com
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