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Bajrang Punia suspended by United World Wrestling after NADA action: report – Firstpost

Bajrang Punia was suspended by United World Wrestling after being provisionally suspended by NADA for refusing to submit to a doping test.
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Bajrang Punia has been suspended until the end of 2024 by United World Wrestling (UWW) after the Tokyo Olympic bronze medalist was provisionally suspended by NADA for refusing to submit to a doping test, according to the news agency . PTI reported Thursday. The 20-year-old wrestler from Haryana was suspended by NADA on April 23 after he was issued a missing whereabouts notice on April 18.

Later, Bajrang explained that he never refused to give his sample, but wanted NADA officials to explain why they were using an expired kit to collect his sample.

Bajrang said PTI that he has not received any communication from the UWW regarding his suspension but that the world governing body, when updating its internal system, clearly mentions that he is suspended.

“Suspended for the following reason until December 31, 2024,” Bajrang’s profile update read.

“Provisionally suspended by NADO IND for alleged ADRV (anti-doping rule violation),” was the reason given.

Interestingly, the Mission Olympic Cell (MOC), in its meeting on April 25, was informed that Bajrang had received a sanction of Rs 8,82,000 plus airfare (actual) for his proposal to train in Dagestan, Russia, starting May 28.

Bajrang’s initial proposal called for a 35-day training trip starting April 24 but, according to the MOC meeting minutes, due to “conflicting travel dates due to inability to locate him, he has chosen to postpone travel plans from April 24, 2024 to the 28th. May 2024.”

The proposal also included the travel plans of his strength and conditioning coach Kaazi Kiron Mustafa Hasan and training partner Jitender.

Neither Sandip Pradhan, director general of the SAI, nor Colonel Rakesh Yadav, co-CEO of TOPS, responded to calls or messages when the PTI sought an explanation on the decision to allow its formation.

Bajrang confirmed that he had submitted a proposal for approval to SAI.

“I am also surprised that SAI allowed it. In fact, I have canceled my plan, I am not going anywhere to train now,” Bajrang said, adding that his lawyer had filed the response with NADA.

At the same MOC meeting, Sarita Mor, who competes in the women’s 57 kg category, received a sanction of Rs 5,96,000 for her training stay in the United States with her husband and coach Rahul Mann from from May 5.

Anshu Malik had locked the women’s 57kg quota at the Paris Olympics during the Asian qualifiers in Bishkek.

Anshu’s training trip to Japan, with his father and coach Dharamveer Malik, was also approved at a cost of Rs 14,67,000.

If WFI decides to organize a final selection trial, Sarita will have to emerge victorious in the trials to challenge Anshu, winner of the quota.

With contributions from the agency

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