
Baby Reindeer’s real ‘Martha’ targeted Keir Starmer: Scots woman accused of ‘bombarding Labor leader with almost 300 emails’ – telling him he was a ‘stupid little boy’ and his wife looked “terrible”

Baby Reindeer’s ‘real Martha’ bombarded Sir Keir Starmer with almost 300 emails, it has been reported.

Fiona Harvey allegedly sent the Labor leader a barrage of abusive messages over the space of eight months, during which she used a disabled slur to attack his wife and gloated over two of his dead relatives.

Harvey, 58, is accused of sending 276 vile emails to his parliamentary address between January and August 2020.

In the documents, she calls him a “stupid little boy”, that he was a “useless lawyer”, and launches an attack on his wife, Lady Victoria Starmer, who she says looks “awful”, has reported The Sun.

She signed all the emails with “Sent from my iPhone” – like the ones sent by Martha Scott in the hit Netflix series, although she sent them from a desktop computer.

Baby Reindeer’s real ‘Martha’ targeted Keir Starmer: Scots woman accused of ‘bombarding Labor leader with almost 300 emails’ – telling him he was a ‘stupid little boy’ and his wife looked “terrible”

Baby Reindeer’s “real Martha”, Fiona Harvey, bombarded Sir Keir Starmer with almost 300 emails, it has been reported.

Harvey is said to have sent the Labor leader (pictured) a barrage of abusive messages over the space of eight months.

Harvey is said to have sent the Labor leader (pictured) a barrage of abusive messages over the space of eight months.

A mock-up of what one of the alleged emails to the Labor leader looked like

The Met Police are said to have been informed of these emails. MailOnline has contacted the force for further comment.

Labor declined to comment when contacted by MailOnline.

Harvey, originally from Aberdeenshire, is believed to have launched her hate email campaign while living in Kilburn, which neighbors the MP’s Holborn and St Pancras area.

She would complain to Sir Keir about her problems with Camden council regarding her building and the area.

In another, she allegedly sent him photos of trash and wrote “it’s as dirty as StArmer’s house.”

In an email, seen by The Sun, written on April 9, 2020, she said: “Keir stopped talking to me, stupid little boy.

“You are elected leader of. No leaving and after two minutes I received an email calling me racist from the housing mediator. I have already complained about you to the standards commissioner who guess what also does nothing. I see that from now on I will complain about the smallest thing

“Your life will not be worth living. »

Harvey, 58, is accused of sending 276 vile emails to Sir Keir's parliamentary speech between January and August 2020.

Harvey, 58, is accused of sending 276 vile emails to Sir Keir’s parliamentary speech between January and August 2020.

In these, she treats him as

In them, she calls him a “stupid little boy”, that he was a “useless lawyer”, and launches an attack on his wife, Lady Victoria Starmer, who she says looks “awful”.

Fiona Harvey gave her first TV interview last week with Piers Morgan in which she denied stalking Richard Gadd.

Fiona Harvey gave her first TV interview last week with Piers Morgan in which she denied stalking Richard Gadd.

Baby Reindeer, Netflix's extraordinary hit drama series, has been viewed more than 60 million times in the past month.

Baby Reindeer, Netflix’s extraordinary hit drama series, has been viewed more than 60 million times in the past month.

The series was a worldwide success and follows

The series was a worldwide hit and follows ‘Martha’ (played by Jessica Gunning) as she stalks aspiring comedian Richard Gadd – who is called Donny Dunn in the series.

Baby Reindeer delves into Richard's harrowing ordeal of stalking and brutal sexual abuse as he plays a fictionalized version of himself called Donny Dunn (pictured)

Baby Reindeer delves into Richard’s harrowing ordeal of stalking and brutal sexual abuse as he plays a fictionalized version of himself called Donny Dunn (pictured)

Camden council officials, councilors and its own Hampstead and Kilburn MP Tulip Siddiq also received some of the emails, the newspaper reported.

Harvey is said to have sent a 1,420-word email to Sir Keir in which she claims Labour’s shadow cabinet is “full of idiots”.

Baby Reindeer, based on a true story by writer and lead actor Richard Gadd, follows Donny Dunn (Richard) and his relationship with stalker “Martha” (Jessica Gunning).

The show alleges that the comedian’s stalker carried out a relentless campaign of harassment that began after he served her in a London pub while he worked as a bartender.

Harvey appeared on Piers Morgan Uncensored last week where, in an explosive interview, she furiously denied stalking Gadd and said she would sue Netflix over the drama.

She said she had only met the comedian three times and, when asked about the content of some of the messages she admitted sending him, dismissed them as “a joke”.

The Scot went on to say she wanted to “set the record straight” following the phenomenal global success of the Netflix series and the trolls who contacted her online after it began airing.

However, she denied sending him 41,000 emails and dozens of tweets and claimed it was instead ten messages and a letter sent by post.

In the wide-ranging interview with Piers Morgan, she revealed details of her “poor” upbringing and the fact that she was in a five-year relationship with a lawyer.

Baby Reindeer proved to be a surprise for Netflix, having been viewed over 60 million times in the first month.

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