
‘Baby Reindeer’ Stalker’s Craziest Claims From Piers Morgan Interview

Fiona Harvey, the woman claiming to be the real stalker who inspired the Netflix film Baby reindeer, attended his first on-camera interview since the limited series became a cultural phenomenon, joining Piers Morgan for an hour-long interview posted Thursday to his YouTube channel.

Harvey claims she had no choice in coming forward – “I was forced into this situation” – after “internet sleuths” tracked her down and filed death threats. She recently sat down with The daily mail (he then allegedly stalked this journalist) and was accused in another story of stalking a Glasgow couple (and threatening to kill them). But the conversation about Piers Morgan uncensored brought the Baby reindeer hubbub on another level.

The limited series, created by and starring Richard Gadd, features Gadd as Donny Dunn, a struggling comedian who meets a lonely woman at the bar where he works. The chance encounter, during which he offers her a free cup of tea, unfolds over several months as Martha reveals herself to be a dangerous serial stalker. Over several years, she sent him more than 41,000 emails, 744 tweets, 100 pages of letters and 350 hours of voicemails. Gadd first translated the traumatic experience into an award-winning show of the same name and spoke at length about the situation.

Baby reindeer, which begins with a tagline stating that it is a “true story,” has inspired countless headlines since its April 11 debut. It rose to number one on the streamer’s TV rankings, where it remained for three consecutive weeks. Amid its growing popularity, the fever surrounding the true identities behind the characters was so hot that Gadd urged viewers to stop speculation because “that’s not the point of our show.” Fans and online sleuths persisted, leading to Morgan’s interview and associated headlines.

Netflix has not commented on Harvey’s interview, and Gadd has repeatedly maintained that he has no comment on the identity of her harasser, only that he has empathy for her as a person apparently unwell and failed by the system. “I remember when I was being bullied it was relentless and it felt like it was everywhere, and I felt like my life wasn’t really working. I always had this incredible feeling of pity for her,” he said during a panel for TV Academy members this week in Los Angeles. “I’ve never seen anyone who was a mean. I really saw someone who had been lost by the system. I saw someone who needed help and wasn’t getting it.

Below is a summary of five of Harvey’s wildest claims Piers Morgan uncensored.

Richard Gadd as Donny and Jessica Gunning as Martha in Netflix's Baby Reindeer limited series

Richard Gadd as Donny and Jessica Gunning as Martha in the Netflix limited series Baby reindeer. The critically acclaimed hit series became a sleeper hit and reached number one on Netflix’s TV rankings.


She hasn’t seen ‘Baby Reindeer’: ‘It’s not really my type of drama’

“I didn’t watch anything,” she told Morgan, who asked if she was curious. “No, I think I’ll be sick.” It took up enough space in my life. I find it quite obscene. I find it horrible, misogynistic. There have been some truly terrible death threats online. People are calling me. You know, it’s been absolutely horrible. I wouldn’t give credit to something like that, and it’s not really my kind of drama.

“I don’t like little boys without a job”

Morgan pointedly asked Harvey if she was in love with Gadd, to which she replied: “Piers, is that a serious question?” She went on to claim that Gadd asked to sleep with her, using a turn of phrase that is heavily used in the limited series. “He said, ‘Would I like my curtains fixed?’ I laughed and he said, “That’s an understatement.” Do you want me to come home with you?’ » Harvey claims she refused because she had a boyfriend at the time. “I gave him a big push, I think, you know, subtly. But ultimately, no, I don’t like little boys without a job. It looks horrible. This seems really, really insensitive. But you know.” Regarding that boyfriend, Harvey says she had a five-year relationship with a lawyer. “I don’t want to drag him down. He thinks it’s horrible. All my lawyer friends do. All my professional friends do it. Others do it. People are really nice.

Claims to have sent “less than 10” emails to Gadd

Morgan questioned Harvey about the staggering number of emails, voicemails, tweets, letters and Facebook messages she allegedly sent to Gadd. But, again, she said: “That’s just not true,” adding: “I don’t think I sent him anything.” Moments later, she clarified her comments, saying there had been a few emails exchanged, but none, nearly 41,000, were widely reported. “There may have been a few email exchanges, but that’s it. Just joke emails,” she said. “Less than 10.”

She claims to have never contacted Gadd by phone

Despite long-running reports that Gadd received 350 hours of voicemails from her stalker, Harvey said she had no way to reach him. “I didn’t call the guy. I don’t have his number. Morgan then pressed her about the voicemails, and she went so far as to accuse Gadd of recording their conversations in the London bar. “He could have recorded me in the Hawley Arms. I didn’t contact him.

Managed six email accounts, four different phones

Morgan seemed surprised by the tools Harvey used to communicate with the outside world. She admitted to using six email accounts and managing four cell phones. “I like to keep people on different phones and different emails,” she explained. “It’s just easier. It’s easier. So you have some for your public services, others for your close friends, it doesn’t matter. Regarding her cell phones, Harvey went on to say that she has used four of them but two are broken at the moment. “They were very, very old. One of them was new and broken, and it still needs to be returned to the store. I also like to keep people on separate phones. Maybe that makes me a freak or a stalker or something, but if you have someone about your electric bill or someone about a job or something, it’s good to keep that separate. I didn’t do that in Scotland – I didn’t have to.

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